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POTW 12/2/2012 AKA 2/12/2012


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<p>Yes folks, it's December. I suspect lots of images of happy kids will fill the month's shots.<br /> I'm getting close to finals (and stuffed into so many committee meetings I often forget I'm supposed to be teaching College kids). I did get out one day after work looking for Crossbills (2 species) a northern invader that only occasionally shows up here in Indiana. No Crossbills today, but I did find this guy.<br /> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/16643081-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="532" /><br /> Barred Owl, Pentax K700mm f5.6 (at f8). Cropped a touch.<br /> I am rather software limited now a-days. My regular computer snapped it's hinge (not a good ad for Lenovo). The CS people made it clear that I can't stick any of my own software on the work computer so I crop on my tablet. I find the tablet software very cumbersome and limiting, but c'est la vie.</p>

<p>Look forward to seeing everyone else's work.</p>

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<p>Getting a photo of an owl (much less a good one) is on my bucket list, Doug, so I''m envious!<br>

Living in balmy parts, it never occurred to me that a dalmatian's markings could be camo but you make the case very effectively, Markus. Great "test shot"!<br>

Those 'lanterns' are fun to shoot aren't they, Jean? Ours are just tan-ish so yours were surprising. "Tarn" is gorgeous!<br>

Your "self-portrait" is rich, JDM--I like it.<br>

I'm no longer between sports seasons: Clara's team started the BB season with a tournament and took second place--here she is on the way to a Double-Double. <br>

<img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/photos/i-Ms4gGnR/0/XL/i-Ms4gGnR-XL.jpg" alt="" width="549" height="768" /> <br>

That's with the Sigma 50-150/2.8 btw. Hat-tip to Michael E. for his advice to shoot wide-open: in the "pick your poison" battle with noise, I think it's the best strategy. <br>

I have this tendency, when processing sports shots, to get distracted by interesting things--like this.<br>

<img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/photos/i-LRfRKd2/0/XL/i-LRfRKd2-XL.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>I wish I had December snow photos but we are still dry here in central Colorado.<br />Moonrise ranch walk<br />K-5 & DA15<br /><a title="IMGP4201 by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP4201 src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8061/8223087190_41b35cce55_z.jpg" alt="IMGP4201" width="640" height="424" /></a><br /><br />.<br>

Irrigation water at sunset<br>

K-5 & Tamron 28-75 2.8<br /><br /><a title="IMGP4362 by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP4362 src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8058/8228037149_8d34333655_c.jpg" alt="IMGP4362" width="530" height="800" /></a><br /><br />.<br /><br />Town tree lighting event<br /><br />K-5 & Rokinon 8mm 3.5 Fisheye<br /><br /><a title="IMGP4460 by MattB.net, on Flickr" href=" IMGP4460 src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8478/8234431374_f035cd985c_z.jpg" alt="IMGP4460" width="640" height="424" /></a><br /><br /></p>

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<p><img src="http://m5.i.pbase.com/g2/91/251791/2/147670615.vQw9SC4A.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="601" />The weather hasn't been too good for photography here in the Fraser Valley. A lot of the time it's just rain, and more rain. That usually gets me to thinking of warmer days, like our vacation in October at the Columbia Gorge in Oregon. This is a shot of the number one sport at the Gorge - windsurfing. It's absolutely amazing how fast these surfers go!<br>


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