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Ilford Warmtone

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<p>Ilford warmtone paper is slightly warmer than Ilford's neutral papers. Without toning, it can be hard to tell from the other papers unless you hold them side by side. <br>

For a true sepia effect, you need to sepia tone the paper. Use a sepia toner. The paper tones well. Check Photographers Formulary for kits. <br>

You can also use selenium toner. Depending on dilution and time, the toner will turn the paper light brown to dark brown to purple. But the effect is not "the sepia effect." </p>


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<p>I use Ilford FB Warmtone in Ilford ID-78, a so-called warm-tone paper developer that you mix yourself.<br>


<p>I also find the warmth of the tone very subtle indeed. Some people can't distinguish it from the standard neutral FB in the same developer. I like it (WT paper) very much, but if one wanted conspicuous warmth then toning would be needed. I have read that the warmth of paper reduces with storage age. I live in Australia and the age of stock is often questionable. Maybe that's part of the reason. I'm not in a position to test it.</p>

<p>Incidentally, the ID-78 is not very different to standard print developers. I use it because it tends to keep very well in my Nova vertical slot print system.</p>

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