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Nikon coolscan 5000 settings suggestions request

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<p>Hello everybody.<br>

I' m going to send my beloved 35mm slides to a scanning service lab. They use a Nikon coolscan 5000.<br>

I would ask you : is the scanner capable to produce good images, comparabe to a 12 mpxl dslr ? The resolution they can provide is 4000 dpi at 48 bit. Is that enough for a good 8x10 print at 254 ppi ? Then, they offer me the opportunity to choose ICE on or off. Which setting do you suggest me ? The slides are in perfect condition, so I guess ICE is not worth, do you agree ? Last question : I don' t want any correction from the lab, nor sharpening. Which kind of input sharpening do you suggest me to apply to the scanned slide files on photoshop ? I use smart shapen, amount 180, radius 1 to almost my Nikon d90 tiffs on photoshop as a capture sharpening.<br>

Thank you</p>


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<p>The Nikon Coolscan 5000 is an excellent scanner, I don't have one but do have a Nikon Coolscan 9000 medium format scanner. 4000 dpi will give you approximately a 24 megapixel image, which is better than your 12 megapixel DSLR. Your slides need to be very sharp if you are going to get the most that the scanner can deliver. You may think that your slides are very clean, but the scanner will pick up every speck of dust. I always scan with ICE on to automatically remove the dust from the image. If you scan with ICE off, I think you will spend a lot of time fixing the spots by hand. Maybe you should send in a few sample slides and have them scanned with ICE on and off to see what works best. </p>
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<p>The Nikon Coolscan 5000 is an excellent scanner, I don't have one but do have a Nikon Coolscan 9000 medium format scanner. 4000 dpi will give you approximately a 24 megapixel image, which is better than your 12 megapixel DSLR. Your slides need to be very sharp if you are going to get the most that the scanner can deliver. You may think that your slides are very clean, but the scanner will pick up every speck of dust. I always scan with ICE on to automatically remove the dust from the image. If you scan with ICE off, I think you will spend a lot of time fixing the spots by hand. Maybe you should send in a few sample slides and have them scanned with ICE on and off to see what works best. </p>
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<p>I have a Nikon Coolscan 5000. As Robert said, it will give you a 24 megapixel image, more than enough for 8x10 prints. You do want ICE on, but, if you have Kodachrome, keep in mind that ICE does not work well with Kodachrome, so you may still have some manual correction to do even with ICE on.</p>
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<p>To eliminate the removal of scratches and dust particles in post processing, ICE is enabled at all times on my Nikon Coolscan V ED film scanner. Sharpening is performed with the default settings on the Coolscan. The images megapixel-wise from any Coolscan will exceed your expectations.</p>
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<p>Thank you guys.<br>

So, you suggest me to ask the lab to turn ICE on. My slide film is Velvia 100 and Kodak e100g. Which ICE setting do you suggest me ? ICE normal or ICE fine ?<br>

And then, you said that the sharpening is added by default from the scanner. What do you mean ? You mean that is impossible to turn the sharpening off ?</p>

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<p>Thank you guys.<br>

So, you suggest me to ask the lab to turn ICE on. My slide film is Velvia 100 and Kodak e100g. Which ICE setting do you suggest me ? ICE normal or ICE fine ?<br>

And then, you said that the sharpening is added by default from the scanner. What do you mean ? You mean that is impossible to turn the sharpening off ?</p>

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<p>I always apply to my D90 tiff files 3 kind of sharpening : 1- input sharpenig by photokit sharpener or by smart sharpen. 2- the mid-tone contrast mask, so called HIRALOAM. 3- output sharpening by photokit to compansate the printer loss of sharpness.<br>

Are all those 3 passages necessay to scanned slides too ? </p>

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