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5D (original) autofocus seems half broken


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<p>I have owned my 5D for 5 years. Today, I'm having a problem.</p>

<p>1) Mounted lens, took picture, everything froze. I don't think mirror was open. I think mirror opened & closed but I could not do anything ("busy"), including turn the body off. I had to remove battery (just main battery) for it to reset.<br>

2) Since then. autofocus using half shutter has not worked in Av or Manual mode. The * appears in the viewfinder but nothing focuses. <br>

3) Mysteriously, when I use CF4-1 (back button focus), the camera focuses normally when I push the *.<br>

4) There is a slight burning smell from the body when I remove the lens.<br>

5) Also when I remove the lens, the mirror seems more open than normal, but I can't recall for sure what it's supposed to look like.</p>

<p>This happens with 3 different lenses, so it's not a lens issue.<br>

Any idea what problem may be and how much $ I can expect to spend to fix it?<br>


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<p>There is a slight burning smell from the body when I remove the lens.</p>


<p>Never a good sign! Sounds like something fried, in which case there's no alternative to a trip back to Canon. They'll give you a quote for repair (or tell you they can't fix it). Cost? Could be anything from $150 to more than the price of a replacement camera (around $600-$700 used on eBay).</p>

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<p>You said you've owned the camera for 5yrs, which implies you bought it new. Did you ever send it in for the mirror repair? While this doesn't sound like a 'traditional' mirror loose problem, if it's come loose and wedged some odd way, this <em>could</em> (?) be the source of your problem?</p>

<p>Either way, it'll take a trip to Canon to fix. While it's likely that they'll fix the mirror for free (if you hadn't had it done already), I doubt they'll fix the rest of the damage (if there is any) for free, so, as Bob says it could cost between $150 and ~$1000 to fix. They are the <em>only ones</em> who can tell you how much they are going to charge, and they will give you a price before doing the repair.</p>

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<p>Yes, I bought this new. I haven't had the mirror issue so have not had Canon do the mirror recall. Like you, I doubt this is primarily a mirror issue...seems to be something with autofocus but only affecting the half-depress way of autofocusing, not the back button (CF4-1).</p>

<p>It looks like this will be going in for an estimate and hopefully somewhat-affordable service. I plan to buy a used 5D to use while this one is in service then to have as a backup when I get my original back from service.</p>

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<p>If the mirror is not seating correctly then you should see this when looking through the viewfinder as the image will be displaced.<br>

Check the mirror movement with no lens fitted, it should just snap up and down. If this does not happen then it is probably a mirror problem. Check that nothing is on or below the mirror where the focus sensors are.<br>

I don't like the thought of a burning smell! Could be the mirror actuator. As others suggest get it checked</p>

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  • 4 weeks later...

<p>Hey Tom, my 5D mark II presented the same symptoms / as it was during a gig I couldn't notice the burn smell though. Only difference: back AF button not working either!<br>

It froze with an Error 01 (contact bet. cam and lens), and since then, it has been acting like it's manual focus with any lens, despite multiple cleanings.<br>

Did you end up figuring out what went wrong?<br>

Please help otherwise sending it to Canon asap<br>


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