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beginner photo critique


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<p>Be specific in your critique request. For example, if you want feedback about composition, cropping, lighting, etc., say so in your critique request. That's more likely to get the type of critiques you want than generic statements like "All comments welcome" or "C&C appreciated."</p>
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<p>It's a really nice idea, actually.<br>

The critique forum is nice (and I keep telling myself to devote more time to it), but a lot of critiques do not become pratical hands-on, giving composition/lighting/editing tips. A place that encourages to do exactly that would make good learning for photographers at any level, I think.</p>

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<p>The Critique Forum is just that. It's for critique of all photographs... advanced, beginner, professional, passionate-but-neophyte enthusiast. I agree with Lex in that the best way to get what you want is to ask for it with your critique request. State in your request that you are just starting out and specify the things you would like addressed.<br /><br />That said, I kind of like the Beginner Critique idea. I have learned so much from reading and responding to questions in the Beginner Questions forum and I know many others have as well, even seasoned professionals can learn from people just starting out. I think the same goes for the images produced by beginners. The issues I see are experienced photographers playing the system for attention. I wonder if the Beginner Critique forum could be made so that only those with less than one year membership can post critique requests? After that, you force them off the bunny slopes and into the mainstream critique.</p>
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