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Portrait Book Recommendations


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<p>I'm setting up a photography society at the school where I teach, and I'd like to get a book which covers a wide range of different photographic portraits, not so much from a technical standpoint, but to give a selection of great portraits in different styles. Can anyone recommend a good book or books to introduce my students to different ways of approaching portraiture?<br>

Thanks very much.</p>

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<p>William, Any of<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Karsh-A-Fifty-Year-Retrospective-Yousuf/dp/0821215493"> Karsh's books</a> would be great as would this free site on <a href="http://blog.kitfphoto.com/Zeltsman/index.html">Zeltsman's </a>techniques. And don't overlook Photo.net's own <a href="http://www.setshoptutorials.com/photo-tutorials">Steve Sint </a>for information on do-it-yourself tutorials on portrait hardware. Good luck. Best, LM.</p>
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I second the recommendation of any of Karsh's books. The examples are traditional lighting techniques that are still the basics for portraiture. In addition, if you can find them, the videos from Dean Collins (I think they were produced by Finelight) teach the basics very simply and directly. Another resource I found invaluable when I was learning portraiture are the Kodak portrait books from the 1970s. They taught the styles of lighting that are most common, such as short lighting, broad lighting, Rembrandt lighting, loop lighting, and all the rest. Even better, those books taught when to use each style of lighting and how to sculpt (or hide) the face by lighting.<br>

<br />Good luck with the venture.<br>

<br />Steven</p>

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