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<p>I got an email with a link to a supposedly Advanced Photo Enhancing Digital Image Software‏ called PhotoEditorX. Accoding to the ad PhotoEditorX is used by leading magazines and publishers. It does everything PS can do and more all for $49. I never heard of it myself but since I know some of you work as editors for leading magazines I was wondering if you ever used it or heard of it.</p>
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<p>What would being an editor of a magazine have to do with photo editing software?<br /> <br />You can certainly google it for reviews. None of the reviews available are by anyone who is known for reviewing. Interesting that the number one thing one finds out from the reviews is that "it's not a scam."</p>
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<p>Google is your friend. From their own website:</p>


<p align="JUSTIFY">PhotoEditorX<strong>™</strong> is a complete photo editing software and training suite that includes GIMP & 3 hours of advanced video tutorials.</p>


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<p>If you want some editing software that "does everything PS can do" give Photoline a look. It's real, it's fully fledged and it's (very) reasonably priced.</p>

<p>What it isn't is - not so intuitive as PS - doesn't have a user interface in the current styling of PS, LR etc - and it tends to be a little quirky in its naming of some processes. It is a very in depth program (like PS) and would take some getting familiar with to get full use out of it but I get the impression it is as capable as PS for practically everything you might want to do to a photo .. and then some.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.pl32.com/">http://www.pl32.com/</a> 59 euros (they're a sort of small wallaby, the males are bigger than the females so you might not need so many).</p>

<p>Worth adding is that you get a 30 day free trial with it. PhotoEditorX appears to be a buy it first to try it option.</p>

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<p>"<em>Interesting that the number one thing one finds out from the reviews is that "it's not a scam.""</em><br>

It probably is not a full blown scam, I mean you do get something for your money, but it probably is 80% Marketing(hype) and 20% product. </p>

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<p>"...PhotoEditorX is used by leading magazines and publishers.." LOL</p>

<p>that make me laugh when i read something like that.. what a newbie marketing way of selling is stuff!? Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign ... basically the Adobe Creative Suite is what leading magazine use, and very good leading magazine use good photographer that use good retoucher.. that use Photoshop to retouched theres image.. not Gimp or other free bundled software.</p>

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<p><a href="http://www.photoeditorx.com/">The website</a> is hilarious and sad all at the same time, especially the "before" and "after" photos at the top. They take a good-looking woman in a normal photo and turn her into Odo from Deep Space 9.<br>

It also looks like Lucas Godfrey is one careless step away from from a GPL violation, too. Dude had better step lightly, lest he get a not-so-nice letter from the legal folks at the <a href="http://sfconservancy.org/">Software Freedom Conservancy</a>.</p>

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<p>whats sad is that site like this, and Portrait Professional is another example, try to make you believe that this is high end photo retouching... the only place where i see crap like this is on cheap magazine or photographer that want a quick result for there mom and dad client .. who think that this is high end retouching...</p>


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<p>It's just The Gimp (which is free) plus Gimp tutorials (which can also be found freely) as far as I can tell.</p>

<p>It might not be a scam in the strictest sense of the word - but bloody hell..!</p>

<p>Goes to show - there really is one born every minute. Mac's PhotoLine recommendation is <em>much</em> more like it - I've tested it pretty thoroughly, and although personally I'm not too struck on the sharpening tools, it's still pretty good. </p>

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