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Hyperfocus DOF


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<p>Hi Guys,</p>

<p>I came across this topic in the Understanding exposure of Bryan Peterson. I really cant understand how this Hyperfocus works. Where do i have to focus and how. i know each focal has hyperfocus settings but cant really understand how this works.</p>



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<p>The first thing to appreciate is that DOF varies with focal length, aperture, and focus distance (and also with the circle of confusion, but ignore that for now). Shorter focal lengths have more DOF than longer ones; narrower apertures (larger f/ numbers) have more DOF than wider ones; and the farther away you focus, the more DOF you get. This is just how optics work.</p>

<p>Because of this, for any focal length and aperture, there will be a focus distance at which the far limit of DOF reaches infinity. That is the hyperfocal distance. If you figure out the hyperfocal distance and then set your lens to it (in manual focus mode), anything from the near limit of DOF to infinity will be acceptably in focus. For example, an old trick popular with street photographers is to use a 35mm lens set to f/8 and focused to 12 feet, which happens to be the hyperfocal distance. With this setup, anything from about 6 feet away to infinity will be acceptably in focus, and you can just shoot without having to focus first.</p>

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