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Need help identifying this


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<p>Looks like a small turkey-tail type mushroom. I'm no expert but there is a Photo.net member who is, Laura Weishaupt. <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=6698803">This is her page</a>, looks like she got rid of all her images so maybe she isn't active here any more. But if she is still checking her account, she would probably be able to help you.</p>
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<p>Hello Peter,<br>

Yes, I'm here.</p>

<p>I did see this over in critique and thought it would be better to post it here, so I'm glad you did. Photo ID's of botanic material present challenges as much of the available information is missing. From what is here, it looks like a member of the genus Ganoderma. Likely G. tsugae or lucidum, depending on what it's growing on. Do you have any other information or photos?</p>

<p><strong><em>Siegfried, this is very kind, thank you.</em></strong></p>

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<p>Hi Laura, Siegfried,<br>

thank you for your help so far. I do not remember exactly wether it came out of a root or the soil next to the tree. On this photo you look straigt down onto it. It is growing vertical and then bent sideward 90 degree. With Ganoderma lucidum you might be right, but then this is a rather young one, or?<br>

Sorry for the late answer but I was off for a few days.<br>

Nice regards<br>


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Happy to help. The primary difference between G. tsugae and G. lucidum is the wood it is growing on. G. tsugae grows on decaying conifers, particularly hemlock. G. lucidum grown on decaying conifers, frequently on maple.</p>

<p>They do vary in size and many factors are involved, not just "age". They are really quite pretty when numerous on a stump in deep forest shade. </p>

<p>If you have further questions I will reply as quickly as possible. I live in the path of Sandy and the next couple of days will be a challenge.</p>

<p> </p>

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