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Where and how do you get a style in your oppinion?

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<p><em>Hey David, I've been meaning to tell you this since viewing your PN gallery and your other website. Love those candid David Bowie shots from back in the late '60's especially the color ones.</em><br>

<em>I bet they're worth a fortune by now.</em><br>

Thanks for your interest, Tim. As my daily work involves essentially ghost-writing, being published every day but almost never under my own name, it’s nice now and again to gain some public recognition – ideally I’d rather it was with more recent images than something I did 43 years ago, but what the heck! The pix were done when Bowie had had just the one hit “Space Oddity”, he asked me to take them but told me he could not afford to pay (which was true) and they were done on a shoestring, with him and me driving to locations in his car with no other crew at all. I was armed with a 1937 Rolleiflex which I owned and a Petriflex 7 borrowed from a mate. I notice looking back how economical I was with film – even the most iconic pictures were captured as a single frame, no duplicates or alternatives – I couldn’t afford the film!<br>

Bowie is an intelligent and creative guy and also quite affable and charming, so working with him was enjoyable, which is more than I can say for some of the other music biz people I met. I tend to be rather an ascetic person rather than someone who wallows in sex’n’drugs’n’rock&roll, so did not attempt to pursue a career as a music photographer further (it was hellishly difficult to get paid, for one thing). There still seems to be some interest in the pix even after all this time, they have ended up on gallery walls next to work by David Bailey, Terry O’Neill, etc. which is gratifying.<br>

Fortunes tend to be hard to come by in the music biz, I certainly haven’t made one from these pix, in fact I didn’t earn dollar one from them until 1984 and they appeared in a book for the first time. Shortly after this, I placed them with my agent Retna Pictures and have received small but welcome checks every now and again since then. There seems to be a wave of interest at present, 2012 being the 40<sup>th</sup> anniversary of the appearance of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars. Bowie himself is of course keeping a low profile and according to rumor may not tour again following heart problems on his last tour 5 or 6 years ago.</p>

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