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Husband looking for a digital camera

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My husband is getting into photography pretty seriously and he is faced with a dilemma: too many cameras on the market, which one to choose for an every day shooting camera?<br>

I shoot with an M9 and don't know much about smaller digital cameras.<br>

This is what he is looking for:</p>


<li>a compact or rather small digital camera</li>

<li>a fast camera, he likes to shoot people </li>

<li>a view finder</li>

<li>a built-in flash</li>




<p>Thanks for your opinions.</p>


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<p>There are a lot more variables, including budget, optical vs. electronic viewfinder, interchangeable lenses, etc. but to get ball rolling I would suggest taking a look at Panasonic Lumix G3. If that's too expensive or not small enough consider Panasonic LX5 (there is an accessory electronic viewfinder available). There are lots of choices but these two are pretty strong within their categories and offer pretty good value for the cost.</p>

<p>I don't think the LX5's viewfinder is great (resolution is lower than the G3's) but it can be handy in bright outdoor light. If budget is willing, Panasonic GX1 is essentially a slightly upmarket, more compact G3 that offers an accessory viewfinder (higher resolution, more like G3). From there, you can also look at Olympus EP-3 (also add-on viewfinder), though its sensor is the older 12mp unit rather than the more modern 16mp in the GX1 and G3).</p>

<p>All these cameras have pretty decent AF, including face-detect which can be handy for shooting people. As for an '<em>every day</em> shooting camera', the LX5 is compact enough to fit easily in pretty much any bag or a coat pocket, and the others are quite small if using a pancake prime lens, a little bulkier if using a zoom.</p>

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<p>The Sony NEX's are a possibility from the cheaper NEX-3's to the new NEX-7's. I think the numbers come from the old Minolta strategy of coming out cameras where the 5 meant the "normal" version, the 7 was the semi-pro version and the 3 was the entry level version.</p>

<p>So, don't want to buy him another $8000 M9 huh? Can't blame you. I bought an M8 used and the price was merely ridiculous rather than outrageous. I like it though. Wish I could afford an M9.</p>

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<p>He could go for a compact like a Nikon P7100 or Canon G12. These are similar to P&S's but with more advanced features like manual controls and the ability to shoot RAW. He could also go for one of the micro 4/3 (M43) cameras made by Panasonic and Olympus. I'm not familiar enough with them to recommend a specific model, but you can go to B&H's website and check them out.</p>

<p>The P7100 and G12 have optical viewfinders. The M43 cameras have electronic viewfinders (EVF). Some are built-in and some are add on.</p>

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<p>I think that almost any of the pocketable to 'bridge' cameras would serve well.<br>

One variable is whether you carry it on a strap or in your pocket. Another is how much zoom you need. The ones that look most like a dSLR are probably the most capable if you don't mind a larger camera.</p>

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<p>After using the Olympus VF-3 for a month or two I am not exactly happy with it and much prefer a built in EVF as on my G3. The G3 is fast focusing. I really cannot see why anybody would go for a bridge camera unless they need the super-zoom capabilities now that we have M4/3 cameras such as the G3 and GH2. I used to be a strong advocate of the Panasonic bridge camera until I went to M4/3. The VF-3 is like looking into a small tunnel whereas the G3 EVF is a proper viewfinder :-)</p>
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<p>The optical viewfinder is becoming a rare thing in P&S cameras. Recently, my viewfinder-equipped Canon SD990IS bit the dust. I am trying a Canon S100, which has no viewfinder but does have an excellent LCD screen (usable in full sun) and lots of control, including RAW, in a very pocketable package that actually is slightly smaller than the SD990IS. Great video, too. (My other camera is a Canon 50D.)<br />I am not sure whether there are any "pocketable" "bridge" cameras, but I suppose the size of pockets may differ. I'd be very glad to know of any suggestions.</p>
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<p>simply let him use your M9</p>


<p>I agree with this solution. Some good things about this solution is: save time and money to buy anything else, perfectly fair when you compare his and her shots, you two can help each other on how to use the camera</p>

<p>However, if you want another camera, I agree with Bob, G1X</p>

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<p>Between the G12 and the G1-x the main differences are the sensor size (bigger and better on the G1-x) and the zoom range (bigger and better on the G12). So if you want to shoot in low light get the G1-x but if you are going to be shooting in good light and want the longer zoom range then the G12 is better. The G12 is also slightly smaller than the G1-x.</p>
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<p>It is difficult to determine the real differences between the two lenses on the basis of test reports and advertising. It is commonly accepted that zooms tend to be less sharp than a prime. Online examples on a 72 dpi monitor won't show you anything, you would need to see actual prints (remember those ?) to make a comparison. I guess the real question is what constitutes acceptable sharpness for his use. If you are going to use your M9 as a reference point, likely your only choice would be another M9 or a used M8.</p>
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