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Pentax DA 300mm lens


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<p>I recently purchased the 300mm DA lens to use with my K-5, tested it, and returned it. The problem that I was having has been mentioned a time or two: the autofocus jammed at longer distances including infinity. It simply wouldn't focus although it worked well in manual mode and semed to be OK at short distances. I had read Justin Serpico' s review of a few years ago but I was hoping that this problem had been resolved, but apparently that is not the case. I called Pentax in Colorado and the rep said they had not had this problem generally with this lens. I'm wondering if this is a widespread problem with this lens, or did I just get a bad copy. I am considering reordering this lens or getting the 200mm DA and using it with the Tamron 1.4 TC that supports autofocus (I do have that TC), but that still leaves it a little short for birding. Any insights are appreciated. </p>
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<p>The wonderful SDM system. So tiresome.</p>

<p>If I were you and if you are not in a rush, I'd look on Ebay, B&H, KEH and Craiglist for an F 300mm f4.5 or the FA* version until you find one. I owned the FA* version and can honestly say it was the second best lens I'd ever had behind the FA* 85mm f1.4 and I've owned well over 100 lenses with Pentax over 30 years.</p>

<p>Fast focus, sharp as a tack, great backgrounds, well built (although the Silver finish needs TLC to stay nice) and it will work with your Tamron TC or the Pentax AF 1.6 TC with very little loss other than speed.</p>

<p>2 of these sold on Ebay the past week for around $900. IMHO it's THE lens to own at this focal length. </p>

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<p>I agree with Peter. I have two lenses with SDM, the DA* 50-135mm, and DA* 200mm f/2.8, and so far have had no trouble with AF (knocking on wood). They seem to impose more battery drain and require more battery power than a regular screw drive, however- especially the 200mm.</p>

<p>I am wondering if your experience with the AF on the DA* 300mm on the K-5 was due to an AF adjustment problem. I've had a similar experience with my K-5 when using my 43mm Limited lens, and the AF when using my Sigma 24-60mm f/2.8 has not done well at all for indoor action shots. The same lens performs great on my K20D and K200D for the same purpose in the same venue! Other lenses do well on my K-5, so I am reasonably sure a fine tuning of the AF for these lenses in the K-5 will correct this situation.</p>

<p>In general, reports from users of the DA* 300mm f/4 have been good. As Peter indicates, however, the previous FA* 300mm f/4.5 has an extremely high rating. A superb lens. I have a pristine copy of that lens myself. The .5 difference in speed is negligible. The older F* version had the same optics but with a tripod mount, while the FA* has the capability to switch AF/MF on the side of the lens without having to also switch on the camera body. If you can find a well cared for perfect copy for $900 it seems like a bargain to me. I paid $1,000 for mine, which was a display model of a dealer going out of business. But I've seen them go for $1,200 or even more. Maybe the availablity of the DA* 300mm with WR has brought down the prices of the older models.</p>

<p>I also have the new WR superzoom, the DA 18-135mm, which apparently has a completely different AF motor system. It is quiet, fast, and accurate, with no significant increase in battery drain. I have not yet seen any complaints regarding AF reliability. Mine seems perfect with my K-5. Perhaps this new lens has better technology than the SDM system. </p>

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<p>I'd also add that with my FA*300mm f4.5, I added a tripod collar to it. You can get a Canon 70-200mm tripod collar on Ebay that almost perfectly matches the colour and will fit the lens close to the distance scale window. Nice low profile and easily mounted or removed as needed. Very cheap too!</p>
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<p ><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5999724">Yury UKhov</a> <a href="../member-status-icons"><img title="Frequent poster" src="../v3graphics/member-status-icons/3rolls.gif" alt="" /></a>, Jul 26, 2012; 06:03 p.m.</p>





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<p>I'm not yet used to it either.<br />I have 4 SDM lenses and the only trouble I have had was after I dropped the 16-50 but none now that it was fixed. Never had a hint of trouble with any of the others including the DA*300mm.<br />The only lens I have had any focusing issues with is a Sigma HSM which has been so frustrating that I've considered pitching it into the big lake.</p>
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<p>Thanks for all the great suggestions. I think I will take Peter's suggestion and lurk around the used market for awhile and see if a 300mm FA f4.5 shows up. If it doesn't, I'll give the DA another shot. Michael, you may be right in that it could be an AF adjustment problem. I have a backup istD body that I can test the lenses on, but it is in my RV about 2.5 hours away so I didn't have that one with me when this lens came in. Finding the right Pentax equipment is always an adventure. </p>
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<p>My 50-135mm will stop focusing from time to time. I simply rotate the focus ring from near to infinity (and beyond) once or twice and problem solved.</p>

<p>I should note, this is a once in a blue moon issue...in 5 years or so, I've done it 3-5 times. So we aren't talking a regular thing. Also, it seems to be after it sits for a while. My review unit 300mm f/4 did have issues though, and I was disappointed in it. I'd keep sending it back till you get a perfect copy, if it works in the first month, it should keep working. The DA 300mm failed on me pretty much out of the box. </p>

<p>As far as the FA 300mm f/4.5. The 300mm f/4.5 was a good lens, maybe a great lens, but I'd opt for a new lens with weather sealing and improved optics. The DA* 300mm only fell short on my review because the 200mm f/2.8 and 300mm f/4 Nikkor were both sharper, but sharpness isn't everything and the 300mm f/4 DA did offer wonderful overall image quality. Besides, some cameras won't focus a screw drive lens (or might not in the future). Then, it's the same manual focus lens that your defective DA* was. The best thing the FA* 300 f4.5 has going for it, it is more compact. For me that would be a big deal, but I'd probably opt for the 60-250mm before it. </p>

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