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5D mark II not repairable due to water damage


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<p>Daniel - </p>

<p>What Canon techs may be doing is simply looking at a mark / strip of paper in the camera body and seeing if it indicates water exposure. </p>

<p>I know cell phones have a little piece of water sensitive material - like tape - in the battery compartment. If that marker is red (indicating water exposure) or missing (taken off by the user or wears off) then the warranty is void - because they assume water damage. </p>

<p>I had that happen on a Verizon Cell phone. The normal speaker / microphone stopped working. We took it in and they indicated that the phone had been exposed to water. Which of course, we knew it hadn't - other than normal sweat, and moisture from hands. But it didn't matter - because that strip of paper was red - we could have just as well ran it through the washer. </p>


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<p>I tend to agree with you David, especially after my discussion with the customer service supervisor In Virginia.<br>

What I found most frustrating was the ademant refusal to reevaluate the camera. I was not allowed to actually speak with a tech. I was told that the techs have no phones at their work stations. It was very frustrating to speak with people who repeatedly read the same report about corrosion and water damage and had no working knowledge of the 5D mark II. You might as well have well have been talking about a cellphone to them. One young lady proceeded to make comparisons based on her Sure Shot.<br>

Interestingly enough my daughter allowed my 11 month granddaughter to play with her iPhone and she drooled in it causing all kinds of funny things to happen. I took it into Apple yesterday and explained that it was water damage. I was offered an exact replacement for $149.00. <br>

While there I spoke to another gentleman who is an avid Canon photographer and explained my situation. The first thing he asked was, "Aren't the 5D's sealed? " lol<br>

Going forward I will look into insurance... My other bodies and L series lenses. Yep should do it.</p>

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<p>It seems to me that one of two things are true. Either 5d mk IIs are excessively sensitive to getting wet, potentially causing Canon to total the camera and refuse to fix it, or they're not.</p>

<p>If they aren't, then having a camera die due to water damage is rare. In that case Canon could get a lot of good publicity cheaply by replacing it. Or it they are, then perhaps there is a design issue or design issues with the camera that makes them a poor choice for anyone who might be caught out in the rain with their camera (i.e. everybody).</p>

<p>Everyone including me have gotten a few drops on their camera now and then (it's unavoidable, especially if you're caught walking during a sudden storm). How lucky do you have to be in order to not have damage? It sounds as though the answer with the 5d mk II might be VERY. </p>

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Sorry for your situation. I lost a 450D a few years a go the same way, got caught in a rain shower. I had a plastic bag

and backpack that I put it into as soon as the shower started. I had thought that I had done a good job of keeping it dry.

But, when I got in my car and took it out of the bag there was about a teaspoon of water in the bag. The 450D was

completely dead, I tried drying it for day's and such, but no luck. Took it to a local camera shop hopping they knew

someone in town who could look at it, because it was a cheap camera and knew it would not take much to total it. But,

they sent it to Canon who said it was a complete loss. I always wondered if it really was, but it is better to just suck it up

and get a new camera and start taking photos again. I lost a few months of photos, which in retrospect was the real loss.

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<p>In response to your comments David, I suppose I am one of the unlucky ones. From what I've read here and on other forums it would seem that the camera is not that sensitive to water damage and I've seen some incredible photos which bear testament to this. Some have said my body may have had faulty seals. I don't know. <br>

Matt I'm sorry for the lost of your 450D. And more importantly your lost photo opportunities. I know how that feels. This was my granddaughters first birthday/ first visit to Disney and this happened on the second day there so it was very frustrating to have to enlist iPhones for photo duty.</p>


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<p>This is why the first thing I did when I got the 5D MK III was add it to my insurance policy. Accidental loss, breakage, etc. It's a personal articles policy with all camera equipment listed with serial numbers, etc.<br>

Regarding rain I have shot soccer games with my 20D and 5D MK I in the pouring rain using a plastic rain shroud. I am sure it was 100% humidity. I never had issues but also having that super absorbent shamwow fabric or whatever they call it now, is a good idea to quickly dry the camera off. </p>

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<p>I have a weather sealed camera and lens (5Diii) but am still going out to buy a rain cover this week. It simply isn't worth taking any chances, especially as I live in the tropics. <br>

I was out shooting Rugby at the weekend and we had a tropical thunderstorm. Then, as if that wasn't enough the giant automated pitch sprinkler switched on (we are talking firehose strength, not garden sprinkler). <br />Kinda funny watching the guys trying to swim down the pitch.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I was reading back over previous posts and several references were made to the lens which was on the camera at the time of the incident. I never provided that info. It was my L series EF 24-70 2.8. I see a rubber gasket on that lens at the mounting point so I doing think that may have been an issue.</p>
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<p>That is real strange and totally depressing. I have taken my Canon 30D and 7D in downpours and nothing happened to the camera. After it got wet, I wiped it off with a clean/dry towel and that is all, no problems to report. Makes me think that keeping my old film cameras including my EOS-3 was not such a bad idea after all.</p>
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<p>Water itself doesn't damage the camera. It is either corrosion (due to stuff <em>in</em> the water - like salt), or the short as a result of the water being present. If you had acted proactively, it is unlikely the water would have significantly damaged the internals. If, once exposed, you <em>immediately</em> remove the battery, and the time date battery (if possible), most damage from fresh water can be prevented. </p>

<p>I have no doubt that, once it went into continuous mode, had you pulled the main batt, you'd still have a live camera. As one of the earlier posts suggested, putting the camera in a bag w/ silica or damp rid (after opening ALL the covers) can literally suck the water right out of the camera - which can save it if you haven't damaged the circuits (w/ shorting). Afterall, Kai's 7D survived immersion overnight (and freezing) -<em> because he removed the battery prior! </em>A 5D2 would have just as well.</p>

<p>Apparently most people don't know this, which should be utterly obvious.</p>

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<p>Marcus, I'll try to remember to remove my battery prior to the next rain. Or potential water accident. Hopefully I'll have that foresight. <br>

Need to keep a small screwdriver handy in Disney to take off a microscopic screw and remove that time date battery as you recommend also.<br>

I totally overlooked the utterly obvious.</p>

<p>; )</p>


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<p>LOL just something to keep in mind. I've twice had water penetrate camera bodies (a 5D, and a 50D), and both times, as soon as I realized what was going on (the water penetrated the top controls/buttons both times - as, it seems from your description happened to you), I pulled the main batts (in neither case did I pull the backup batt until later). Once I was able to let them sit and dry properly, I was able to reinsert the main (and time/date) battery, and the cameras worked without flaw. My conclusion from those experiences was that:<br>

a) electricity does the damage (in fresh water situations), and that stopping <em>it</em> prevents damage - <em>assuming</em> you can stop it before the 'camera does something'/'water goes somewhere' causing physical damage to the circuits/chips.<br>

- in this situation do nothing, press no buttons, flip no switches, certainly(!)<em> take no pictures</em>... just pull the battery out!</p>

<p>b) the time date batteries are lower voltage (3 vs 8.1), and current, and they power different subsystems (they don't, for example, power any of the control circuits - which is likely where your penetration occurred), meaning that any potential damage is <em>much</em> less likely. As I said I removed them later, but it was more of a precaution (and another opening to facilitate the drying) than I think a necessity. The biggey is the main battery...</p>

<p>As far as Canon's conduct goes, I'd have to agree w/ you that their communications and customer interaction was rubbish. <em>Even though their tech was almost certainly completely right.</em> Certainly they could have provided some better communication between the tech and you. The line about 'no phone at the workstation...' is complete hogwash. That is called a 'Canon communications policy'- specifically that people not trained to <em>deal</em> w/ irate customers are not allowed to.<br>

He/she may not be as polished when dealing w/ customers, but he would certainly be able to tell you about the diagnostics he ran. Most likely, he plugged it in, ran the diagnostic software, it gave him a bunch of errors, each indicating a different part (circuit panel) w/ problems, and the total came up too high... leading to their condemning of the camera. Since you don't have anyway of knowing where the current went, and what path it followed, you can't say w/ any certainty that the main processor, the sensor, the upper circuit, display controller, memory interface, and others(?) weren't ALL forced to endure a full voltage short across them...<br /> ... IDK, you don't know, and I'd say that even the Canon Tech doesn't know, but he does know what his software tells him, and the camera has to pass that software check before it's 'fixed', so, for it to pass, those components have to be replaced...</p>

<p>Sorry for your luck, <em>my</em> 5D2s haven't ever suffered penetration, despite shooting through some serious rain, and I've never heard of a consistent problem w/ them, so I can only ascribe it to bad luck... and to say it was bad would be a bit of an understatement...</p>

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<p>Marcus, thanks for the in depth analysis of what most likely did occur at the repair facility. I do understand what you are saying regarding the deprivation of power to the circuits and by so doing avoiding short circuits. I'll be totally honest with you. The thought never crossed my mind due the small amount of water which was involved. I was shocked when I heard the sounds coming from the camera and then instantly it shutting down. By then it was obviously too late to do anything. I did at that point remove the battery and then placed the body on the desk with all rubber flaps open overnight when I got back to the resort. <br>

My real issue is with the handling of the entire problem and how the Canon customer service rep had this take it or leave it attitude. As it stands I'm waiting for her to find it in her heart of hearts to sell me a refurbished body. lol<br>

I did write to the Canon CEO's office a couple of days ago. Hopefully someone there will take a closer look at this.<br>

As far as luck being bad... yeah I had one of my 50D's in hand when I was packing and I said take the 5D. What an idiot! Should have taken the Sure Shot then I could have had a real conversation with customer service. lol</p>

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  • 1 year later...
<p>I see that this is an old thread, but, if one of the first actions after having a "water experience" is to head to the internet, I would like to add my 2 cents. Salt water is NOT a death sentence. Everywhere I looked, this is all I saw. The Canon 5D Mark2 is indeed weather hardy and depending on the angle of the water hit, can withstand our errors in judgement. I will also say the the L series lenses are even sturdier. <br /> Yes, if the camera is off, you stand a better chance. Yes, open it up and remove the card and battery. I liked the suggestion of soaking up as much of the saltwater without dispersing it, as possible. And placing the equipment inside of a giant ziploc bag (they sell these at many supermarkets) with rice is fantastic as first steps. What was not mentioned is to make sure that you place your equipment on top of something like paper plates etc. You do not need to add rice starch to this nightmarish equation. And the lens caps must be off to be effective. <br /> This being said... here are some other ideas if you have been nailed by a roque wave of the salted variety. Once the drying process is complete enough, there are more things you can do. 99% alcohol and q-tips are good, but make sure you are not leaving or dragging stray fibers. The Zeiss wipes are excellent and do not shed. They come in individual packets. Unscrew what you can and be sure to put the tiny screws somewhere safe. This entrance points are a good place to put the Q-tip with alcohol (not so much as it drips). <br /> The final stage, (and I am talking about electronic concerns rather than glass - after all, glass can be cleaned), is scotch tape or stronger. Get a plastic coated paperclip and bend it into a U. You will ONLY use the bend, not the ends as these are sharp. One piece at a time, place scotch tape over any and all possible entry points and then get it into the crevices either with your fingernail or the paperclip U. You will be amazed what you see on that tape. Yes, little salt granules, and maybe even some seaweed! Go around all the buttons, dials etc and get the tape in there. <br /> Once that is done, you will do the same on the delicate seals between camera and lens, as well as the well of the camera body and lens. Do it until you do not get any more salt on the tape. Then do it again a day or two later and with this, and some luck, you just might be OK!</p>
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