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Acratech problem


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<p>I have an Acratech Ultimate ballhead, about five years old and with a lot of use. It has gradually become harder to tighten down securely and it has a sort of soft, squishy, sticky -- not smooth -- feel as I tighten it and untighten it. Hard to describe, but it doesn't feel right. I have cleaned it thoroughly and adjusted everything that can be adjusted. No luck. Just worn out?</p>
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<p>Give them a call, or e-mail . They're a small company, and they believe in their stuff. I think they have a 10 year warranty on the ball heads. I went and spoke to them in person, before I bought mine. I'm sure they will get your issue resolved.</p>

<p>Of course, I assume you have checked the tension on the knob opposite the tension adjustment knob ? That one sets the range of tension that the big one gives. It's a leverage thing. </p>

<p> </p>

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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>I had the same problem with mine at a similar age, I sent it back and it came back promptly as good as new, with new rubber knobs also. Really impressed with how Acratech stand behind their product! Definitely get in touch with them, they will sort you out.</p>
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  • 4 weeks later...

<p>So I got it back, indeed "good as new." I got a call from them when they received it telling me what they did (replaced some rusted parts, among other things) and when I could expect it back. It's as good service as I have ever recived from any company, and way better than most.</p>


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