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POTW 7-1-2012


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<p>Nice work as always, folks! Now that the power's back on, I can post a few from the past week.</p>

<p>Sigma 70/2.8 Macro<br>

<img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/Nature/Floras/i-nQQB2m4/0/XL/IMGP3512bwsmu-XL.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Tamron 180/2.5 (Adaptall)<br>

<img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/Nature/Floras/i-FPFkSxq/0/XL/IMGP3530usm-XL.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Sigma 500/4.5<br>

<img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/Nature/Fauna/i-WCnwCwM/0/XL/IMGP3567smu-XL.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="643" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks Anirban! Yes, I hung out and took probably 20 exposures of several different ponds there. I haven't thoroughly gone through them all but here's a landscape oriented shot of that same pond. It had a kind of magical feel and I would have liked to camp there if I had more time.<br>

<img src="https://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/529114_3878416491410_352237801_n.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="530" /></p>


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<p>This is the 2nd of my series in which I will chronicle the decline in my mother's health due to end stage lung disease. She spends most of her time sleeping. If you are wondering where her oxygen equipment is, she is choosing to not use it. As frail as she appears, she adamantly calls the shots when it comes to her care.<br /><br /><br /></p>
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<p>MattB, a sure winner that dreamy last shot is.<br>

Hi Dave, love the B&W silvery tones and holes in the leaves. I'd clone out the ripped leaf in the upper right.<br>

Markus, fantastic meal and rendering. If I ever get to Switzerland I'm headed your way.<br>

Patrick W, a '69 Plymouth? what model? Cool Falcon, they always look good.<br>

KathyB, keep shooting, I respect your courage.</p>


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<p>I always liked the clean look of the Road Runner<br>

I did get a couple of other front end shots of the brown Road Runner and the door emblem of a not so well restored Blue one<br>


My heart goes out to you. We went thru a similar time with my mother inlaw a couple of years ago.</p>

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<p>Howard, I like your second and the last one. The third would be nicer without the out of focus stem, I think.<br />Bruce, lovely shots of the Alps! I really want to go and do some skiing and mountaineering there while my body is still able to do that kind of thing.<br />Markus, as nice as those food shots have been it's nice to see something else from you. The dragonfly is pretty cool!<br />Dave, the bird in flight is pretty nice!<br />John, great sky!<br />Kathy, this must be a tough project. My best wishes for the project and for your whole family through what must be a difficult time. <br /><br />Thanks for the comments Anirban & Michael!</p>
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<p >Howard: I like the composition of the last one</p>

<p >Markus: dead on with the dragonfly, I'll be jealous if you only needed one shot.</p>

<p >Matt: what a climb. And to think you took your K10 along. I like the pond, rather ethereal. </p>

<p >Dave: the leaf with the patterned holes is interesting. </p>

<p >Kathy: Chronicling your mother's decline takes courage, but you will later cherish the photos. My condolences. </p>

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<p>Howard ; I liked the first ( mood), and last one (colors and comp )<br>

Dave; I liked the second one for the action of the bird leaving<br>

Markus; I liked Charly for inaction ,and doing what I feel like doing <br>

Matt; I liked the first pond. I like the second one without the distant mtn's and sky.</p>

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