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Research/Compatibility: Older 4x5 Lenses?


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Subject: Response to Research/Compatibility: Older 4x5 Lenses?


Photogrpahers are cordially invited to find and visit my shop in Woonsocket RI. I assure you that any perceived elfin quaintness is more a result of a quest for low rent than an attachment to times gone by.

<p> My building just underwent something of an ordeal of a week long power failure -- It turned out that assorted old outdoor wiring and basement "switching gear" that looked like it had been installed by George Westinghouse personally was in fact live and in use. (Don't worry, that wiring will last 100 years) Well, the 100 years expired last week. <p>

Trying to reset resulted in a small explosion on the utility pole which scared the *.* out of 25,000 pigeons and one hard hat utility worker. Then followed a parade of city inspectors and electricians with a lot of head scratching and remarks like "I just don't know, I've never seen anything that old actually being used" And the dreaded "We may have to call Henry (the owner) in Miami"


My building was restored to power yesterday but the neighboring building is now being run on a $2000/day generator. Its times like this that I really appreciate being a renter and not an owner.


I liked the comment/observation of the old timer making the slot machine parts. This is probably more of what I'm like. There is a common observation that inventors/engineers/innovators from olden times such as Franklin, Tesla and the Wright brothers were antiquarians. And, looking at their writings and equipment today they look, indeed, antique and their memory is kept alive by custodians who are themselves museum curators and antiquarians. <p>


However, my interest in these men and their technology is in their Modernity, not their antiquity. To me there is a complete compatibility with historical and current technology. I'm sure that men like Franklin, Tesla and the Wright brothers to whom I owe so much would be at home and in step with current technology within a few hours if they were to suddenly re-appear. Christopher Columbus would surely have used a welded steel ship powered by a Diesel engine if it had been available. He would have no interest in today re-enacting the voyage of the Nina, Pinta and Santa-Maria and would be amused by antiquarians. <p>


See: <a href= "http://www.skgrimes.com/ship/hamlet.jpg"> for a picture of my building.</a><p>

See: <a href= "http://www.skgrimes.com/1968.jpg"> for a picture of me defending my country in 1968 </a> War is Hell.

You can work out my age from that. I assure you all that I'll have everything worked out by the time I'm 125. :-) SKG

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