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Nikon Wednesday 2012: #30

Matt Laur

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<p><strong><em>Important:</em></strong> please keep your image under 700 pixels on the longest side for in-line viewing, and <em><strong>please keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb</strong></em>. Note that <strong>this includes photos hosted off-site</strong> (at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc).<br /><br />Are you <strong>new to this thread?</strong> The general guidelines for these Wednesday threads are <strong><a href="../nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">right here</a></strong>: <a href="../nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km</a>. Remember: only one image each week!</p>


<p>Hello Nikon people, and a good Wednesday to you all. This week, I give you a photographer's minor nightmare: a visit to the opthamologist. Turns out all is well, and apparently I have the retina of a 20-something. But I don't have the lenses of my 20-year-old self, apparently. The good doctor suggests that I start thinking about some 1.25x reading glasses sometime in the next couple of years. At least to use first thing in the morning before coffee makes my eyes focus better. Luckily I start these threads at midnight, so all's well! This shot was a how-steady-are-my-hands test to keep me busy while I sat in The Chair in The Room, waiting for The Exam and The News about how my eyes are doing. I'll confess to a bit of anxiety as she peered into my living nervous system and said things like, "huh ..." and "mmm-hmmmm..." <br /><br />Shot anything that reminds you of your mortality? Fight the good fight, and share a photo! </p><div>00aeLE-484721584.jpg.03f544b37bf71235439245f08d5e8582.jpg</div>

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<p>I'm currently taking a location lighting class through a local community college. It's been a lot of fun, and is mainly focused on balancing ambient and off camera flash or strobes. One great thing about the instructor is his constant eye for light and appreciation for existing light. This was done with only ambient and was a bit of a tricky shot because I was using my Holga 60mm f/8 (which I'm pretty sure is smaller than f/8) without a tripod. I wasn't looking for ultimate sharpness, but I was very pleased with the result.</p><div>00aeLi-484745584.jpg.3b8d6cd017401f6ddcabecfd87e257ed.jpg</div>
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<p>Good Wednesday, everyone!<br /> Matt, regarding mortality and photography. I think that I discovered photography after my first serious experience with cardiology at the age of 56, fundamentally because it may allow my vision of the world around me to outlive me. Not that I think about it when I take pictures. But it is somewhere there.<br /> Here is the view of the Lost Coast Headlands, northern California.</p><div>00aeM3-484751584.jpg.740eecdc2445c31885d8025abf7c5da9.jpg</div>
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<p>Great shots today folks. My shot this morning has nothing to do with my mortality but rather how<br>

some of us age so well. The photo is that of two elderly sisters probably in their 80's who had a booth set up at a local farmers market in Ashland, Ohio. They were selling their tea towels they had made. I couldn't help but notice the fancy lime green sneakers and fancy socks that the one was wearing. When I asked her about the sneakers she told me to come next week and she would wear her hot pink ones. They may have been nipping at the "recipe" a wee bit. They were both very young at heart and a lot of fun. </p><div>00aeNd-484775684.jpg.2a120eb1a528c8aa0e787d8d26230851.jpg</div>

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