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Possible fix for D800 left focus issue ?


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<p>I read a lot on the PN Forums about an issue with the D800 cregarding foccussing with the left focus point.</p>

<p>Now yesterday i read a blog where its says that Nikon has a fix for this, so some might be interrested in that ?</p>

<p>The Blog is by Ming Thein ( who publishes an otherwise interresting Blog too :-) ) :<br>

<a href="http://blog.mingthein.com/2012/06/29/good-news-theres-an-official-nikon-d800d800e-focusing-fix/">http://blog.mingthein.com/2012/06/29/good-news-theres-an-official-nikon-d800d800e-focusing-fix/</a></p>


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<p>I hope you noticed that the date for your link is June 29. We are already in August. Therefore, that information is over a month old.</p>

<p>For whatever reason, Thom Hogan declared the D800 to be "not recommended" on July 23. That was close to a month after Ming Thein's article. Therefore, I am afraid that the info from June 29 is kind of out of date.</p>

<p>Moreover, I know that a lot of members on this forum have the D800 already. However, I can count exactly one person (<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2292967">William Scott</a> from the UK) who has personal experience with the D800 AF issue according to this thread that has over 100 posts: <a href="00ae4R">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00ae4R</a>. There are a few other issues, false alarms .... But concerning personal experience, most of us seem to have trouble-free D800 cameras. In my case two out of two are both fine, but that is a very small sample.</p>

<p>On a related note, I wonder how many people received EN-EL15 batteries that are recalled? I had to get one battery exchanged myself.</p>

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<p>Like Shun, I too have experience with both bodies and have yet to experience a focus problem. Many times (most?) a new camera is introduced there will be issues in the beginning. Once a problem is identified and it hits the blogs there are a lot of false alarms by users trying to recreate the problem with their camera. In a lot of cases their issue turns out to be pilot error. That makes many issues appear larger than they really are. I'm not saying that's the case with the D800/E focusing issue. Only time will tell.</p>
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<p>I hope you noticed that the date for your link is June 29. We are already in August. Therefore, that information is over a month old.</p>


<p>Yes Shun, i noticed, therefore i also did a search on PN wether something like this was mentioned anywhere already, but i did not find it.<br>

That's also why i said "possible" and ended the title with a question mark...<br>

My thought was that maybe someone might be interrested in this blog or one of the replies on PN ( like the one from Tam Nguyen) anyway, and therefore i posted this here.</p>


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<p>Sean, just curious, are you experiencing (left) AF issues on your D800 or you are merely looking for confirmation that your camera is fine?</p>

<p>As Barry points out, quite a few of us have D800 cameras from the very beginning. As far as I can tell, very few people have actual AF problems. The D800 uses the same Multi-CAM 3500 AF module from the D3 family, D4, D700, and D300. It is not new technology but rather something Nikon introduced back in 2007 (with the original D3 and D300). Apparently some D800's AF system have caliberation issues; I can't imagine that it is very difficult to fix.</p>

<p>In any case, I would not hesitate to buy a D800 at this point. Unlike e.g. circuit board issues that can develop after a few months (e.g. a lot of D5000 has that problem and Nikon issued a recall), any (left) AF issue can easily be determined. Thom Hogan and others have provided procedures to check. If you buy a new D800, it should take no more than an hour or so to check the camera out thoroughly, and in case it has problems, I would go back to the store and exchange for another one. The D800 is widely available now so that getting an exchange should no longer be an issue. E.g. Amazon and several other stores have it in stock: <a href="00agOZ">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00agOZ</a><br>

I would rather not deal with Nikon warranty service because that will slow things down.</p>

<p>When I ordered my D800E in mid April, there was already plenty of discussion about left AF issues on DPReview forums. It took my dealer almost two months to get my camera. When I received it in mid June. I tested my new D800E to no end. I am glad that it is free of any defects, but so is every other Nikon film SLR and DSLR I have bought since 1977.</p>

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