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What plug in used here?

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<p>I have some pictures to process for a family member who likes the look of these images, I am not one for using plug in's very much although I have a few. I know this look can't be achieved from scratch in PS, does anyone have any idea what she might be using? I want to get the look exactly not almost or close too. It's the skin tones I am really interested in.</p>

<p>Thanks all.</p>

<p><a href="http://workofheartphoto.com/index2.php">Link</a></p>

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<p>Check the following: <br>

1) MCP Actions<br>

2) Jen's Fabulous Stuff<br>

3) Paint the Moon<br>

4) Fora or Porta bella actions... (I don't use that one personally so not sure of the name)<br>

Your comment regarding "Can't be achieved from scratch" is wrong... Anything that can be put into an action or plug-in CAN in fact be achieved from scratch. It's a matter of time, knowledge, and effort to get the look. </p>

<p>The actions and plug-ins make it easier to share than to publish a 20 step tutorial on how to achieve a particular look. They also make it repeatable and available to the masses. </p>



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<p><strong>Oh, I bet it <em>can</em>, Simon - what in particular do you think is out of scope for PS in that picture?</strong><br>

<strong> </strong><br>

Keith I am a pretty advanced user of Photoshop and have asked a couple of people I know are instructors and we have all tried to no avail, not even close. I'm pretty sure plug in's may use different algorithms, I have heard many people say that they cannot create a certain look that some plug in's can produce. </p>

<p>Thanks David I will take a look at those, I have never heard of any of them but will take a google and see, thanks very much!</p>

<p><strong> </strong></p>

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<p>Different editors can also produce different "looks" by the very nature of their user interface differences. I primarily use Paintshop Pro producing very different results from PS and other programs I've used. Not that they can't produce identical results, rather they look radically different because of how the programs prompt me to use them.</p>
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