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camera as a gift


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<p>My girlfriend learned photography in high school and took photos through college.she knows how to use a darkroom and loves taking black and white pictures. She has not taken a photo in many years but I know she misses that creative outlet. I want to give that back to her,I have started building her a small darkroom in our basement but don't know what type of 35 mm camera to get someone who is basically a beginner again,I don't want to spend a fortune right off the bat. The camera that keeps popping up is the Pentax k1000 as a cheap beginner manual film slr is this my best choice. Please help</p>


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You can't go wrong with the Pentax,

they were everywhere during the '80s

and '90s. Since I'm a Nikon shooter I'll

reccomend something from the FM/FE

series. Well built and affordable there

is an enormous supply of excellent mf

glass at dirt cheap prices. If you want

something a little bigger and heavier

look at the F2 or F3. I'll second KEH,

they have a big inventory and they

stand behind what they sell.


Rick H.

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<p>When you say "She has not taken a photo in many years", how many years are we talking here? If it was 20 or more years ago, she might be surprised how expensive it is compared to digital. If this is just for a fun hobby, then go for it. But if she plans to take a lot of pictures, you might want to consider going digital instead. Much cheaper in the long run, and you can still be very creative. You can emulate that film look pretty closely.</p>
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<p>Why not find out what she enjoyed using and see if that still appeals to her. I really hate it when somebody tries to make up my mind for me and surprise me with something I don't really want. It took my spouse and daughter many years to learn that lesson, but once they did everybody was happier...and I got what I wanted, not somebody else's vision.</p>
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Thanks everyone,I don't want to ask

too many questions, as it might

give away the surprise. As far a

going digital, I really think it

was the whole process of the

picture taking and then developing

it in a dark room, that she

enjoyed. She has a very stressful

job and I just think she needs

something that makes her relaxed and puts her in a happy place

and I know this will. I appreciate

all your responses I will

definitely direct her to this site

when she receives her gift

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<p>if you are wanting something new and inexpensive, I would go with the Nikon FM10. Because really, out of the very limited and affordable options out there for 35mm that's the best one, no questions about it. (e.g. the canon 1v is awesome but uber expensive and the vivitar 3800 is good but why go with substandard quality and limited lenses when you can get a higher quality Nikon FM10 for just a little more?) However, if you don't mind getting a used camera the question gets a lot more complicated, there are just so many options out there it's ridiculous. I would suggest however getting either a canon or nikon simply because of the lens options available to her later on. It's not to say that other manufacturers such as the aforementioned Pentax aren't wonderful cameras, they most certainly are, the issue is the variety of high end lenses available for the Pentax and other such manufacturers are more limited and usually more expensive relatively speaking. And please don't feel that you should be limited to only a %100 manual camera, after all, almost all SLRs can be shot in manual mode so I don't feel like there is any real benefit to forsaking the possibility of automation for when you need it.</p>
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<p>Louis - you have already gotten some good advice here. One thought - I don't know what your budget is, but you might want to think about lens compatibility.<br>

While it is a great beginners' camera, the <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-FM-10-Camera-35-70mm-F3-5-4-8/dp/B00001QHP5?tag=battleforthew-20">Nikon FM10</a> will <strong>not</strong> mount pre-AI Nikkors and is incompatible with modern Nikon "G" lenses. So, sadly, many Nikon lenses won't work with this camera.<br>

If I were buying a classic Nikon film camera, I would spend a little bit more and get an <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-F4-Camera-Body/dp/B001586Q68?tag=battleforthew-20">F4, which is about $250 (body only)</a>. The F4 is compatible with every Nikon lens ever made (see Ken Rockwell's compatibility chart <a href="http://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/compatibility-lens.htm">here</a>). It is also built very well and will last a very long time. The downside, of course, is that it is a large camera, and may be a little complex for someone coming back to photography. All will depend on what your friend prefers - highest possible image quality, widest lens compatibility and durability - or ease of handling, limited lens selection and simplicity of use.<br>

Hope this is helpful,<br>


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<p>I have an FE, that I need to remember to use more often, as its a wonderful camera to use. They go for anywhere from 65-140 dollars for the on KEH and a 50mm lens for it is quite inexpensive. I use mine with an old series E lens and have no complaints. They do require batteries, but a single set will last for years and are easy to come by. I really like the match needle exposure system, and aperture priority metering. <br>

<br />I most often use it camping in the winter. I live in Northern Canada and want something that can handle being left a -20C for days at a time. The FE has never failed me.<br>

If I were to be buying another 'new-old' camera I would buy an FM3a... but they're a bit more money.</p>


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