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Given the level of your question, I suspect that you really want is not so much <I>consistent</I>, but consistently well corrected.

Maximum consistency means calibration on your end, printer and paper profiles from their end, and no "corrections"--

complicated pro / high-end stuff. But I'd suggest you try Mpix, and let them make corrections. They generally do a very

good job, and are very reasonably priced.

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<p>Any of the professional labs will do a good job most of the time. I've used WHCC, Millers, BayPhoto, ProDPI, ACI, and H&H in addition to some album-specific companies. I've been pleased with the results from all of them most of the time, though there are always a handful of problems now and then.. just the nature of printing I suppose.</p>

<p>I've never been overly thrilled with mpix though I believe it is a branch of millers?</p>

<p>If you are letting them do the final correction for you, I'd try Miller's as from my tests they did the best job. (I normally do it all myself and don't let the lab adjust anything, but I'm a control freak like that and keep my monitors calibrated)</p>

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