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Would you let it go?


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<p >Hi there from Spain,<br>

Sorry for this long post, particularly when there are new toys in town. Nice toys out there if you're in for an upgrade. My problem is just the opposite.<br>

In 2008, I was in two minds. The 5D was due for an upgrade, and spending some big quid on an 'old' body didn't make much sense to me. Thus, I ended up getting a 1DMKIII.<br>

I was a happy man until I couldn't go really wide. APC-H users know far too well there is no dedicated wide lens for this sensor, bar that indescribable 12-24 sigma. In any case, I had to add one more piece of hardware to my setup in order to go wide, so why not adding a new body instead of a new lens? So I bought a 5DMKII. ( Just for the record, I don't live in Mint, I'm just a little hard working wee ant)<br>

Since then, my 1D MKIII simply plays second fiddle. I'm not a tech geek, but the 5D MKII files looks better to my untrained eyes. Quality wise, a 5DMKII file looks nicer to me. (Sites such as DxOMarks seems to confirm this)<br>

The thing is I'm not using a body whose value is just slumping. Luckily, I could get half of what paid for it. Sometimes, I just tell myself to keep it. However, when I think I could get that 35L I'm after, I switch to 'selling mode' ( That mode my wife is so scared of )<br>

I'm basically a landscaper who loves travelling, and cover his family events from time to time. Now I know the classic 5D would have sufficed. My mistake. I also know that 35L will arrive sooner or later, so no need to sell...., but it so sad to see it so idle...<br>

To sum up, I made a mistake in 2008, but would I be mistaken again if I kept a body which i don't use just because I would just get a half of what I paid?</p>

<p >Would you let that 1DMkIII go?</p>

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<p>Would you let that 1DMkIII go?</p>


<p>No I would not, if doing so left me with only one camera in my kit.</p>

<p>But you repeatedly state that you do NOT use the 1DMkIII – and you are different to me.<br>

<br />So on that predication alone – i.e. <strong><em>that you DO NOT USE the 1DMkIII</em></strong>, then it is a useless deteriorating capital expense in you cupboard and it is “immoral” to keep it, when another could be using it.</p>


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<p>That's a great question, but if you don't need all the '1' series features that fill the 1D3, then I'd probably let it go for whatever you can get for it. It's not exactly a body that is easy to carry around as a backup, nor will it continue to hold it's current value. Obviously many people <em>need</em> the features of that body, but if <em>you</em> don't, a whole stack of <em>their</em> needs is irrelevant. I'd recommend selling it <em>now</em> to fund better glass, which is something that can tangibly improve your output.</p>
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<p>I be mistaken again if I kept a body which i don't use just because I would just get a half of what I paid?</p>


<p>You've made the mistake of not selling the 1D III at least two years ago. That camera has steadily dropped in price and will drop even faster like a rock as soon as the 1D X and 5D III becomes available in less than a month. I can't even sell my 5D I for $800. My best offer was $750!</p>

<p>Sell the 1D III <strong>NOW</strong>! Get a discounted new 5D II before they disappear completely.</p>

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<p>“I'm basically a landscaper who loves travelling, and cover his family events from time to time. Now I know the classic 5D would have sufficed.”</p>

<p>I think, you've answered your own question there: sell the 1D. Any 5D is better suited to what you’re doing. Compactness and weight are important considerations when travelling.</p>

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<p>Thank you guys...<br>

In Spain, we have a saying going: 'do not make wood out of a fallen tree' (= no hagas leña del árbol caído)<br>

Basically, it come to mean: 'it's easy to jump on someone, to criticize him when he's been mistaken'<br>

You've been very sensitive and kind to me, and I'm thankful for that. <br>

My mind knew the answer..., but it's so hard to reconcile one's heart and mind. This is particularly the case when big quid go down the drain.<br>


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If you intend to shot wild life fast action or sport then keep it otherwise see what is appropriate. Also if the price has drop

to this level I advice you to keep it as you say you have pic up what was not right for you so why you should do another

mistake and sell it for low value

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<p>Let it go, and learn from the mistake. Many of us have done something similar. To be honest, I have even toiled over the idea that my 1Ds2 is more of a camera than I need: But then I look at the files that come out of that beauty and know that there is no reason I would sell it. They are so good... I'm even willing to deal with the outrageous weight of a 1D series body :)</p>

<p>If I had a 1D3 sitting in the closet - #1 it would break my heart that it was not getting used to its full potential. #2 - I would see a pile of $1800 USD sitting there... and the pile will only get smaller as time goes on.</p>

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<p>There was a time when 1D3 was a camera I wished I had, after having used it for a weekend especially... besides using 40D more extensively. The real gain was in the lens I was using, 500mm f/4 -- so the body became secondary, but still 1D3 had a clear edge.<br>

About 1 year later I was 1D3 owner, shortly, and right away I could see its low light limitations, and of course there is the wide-angle limitations too.<br>

5D2 is newer generation than 1D3 and it's full-frame, which becomes important when shooting landscapes, wide-angles and wanting the benefit of wide open large aperture f/1.4 f/2 lenses... so for several different reasons 1D3 has better alternatives. If you shot action regularly, then 5D2 would not be enough, but since like you say you don't use 1D3 much, it's fine to let it go. <br>

Someday 1D IV will be in a situation similar to 1D3, way less expensive than latest cameras, yet a "good value for the money". 1D3 LCD especially is non-optimal, you can't tell if the image is sharp or not -- that's why I don't like 1Ds 3 either, even if the image quality is nice.<br>

So in summary, your 1D3 should go, especially if it's in the way of getting lens you never had, like 24mm L or 35mm L or something else.</p>

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