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Sekonic L308S mode T or F


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<p>Hi all,<br>

I have a problem with my flash meter Sekonic L308S, I will wish to use the F mode (aperture priority), but I can not change it. I looked everywhere on the webmanipuliation to do but without success. My flash meter is on T mode (shutter priority). Could you tell me the process to change?<br />Thank you.</p>

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<p>With my 308, after you read a light level, after you take a continuous-lighting (non-flash) exposure reading, you can change the shutter speed up or down until it reads the aperture you want, and you just use that one.</p>

<p>This is how it works. Suppose tomorrow afternoon I go out and take a continuous incident reading. I plan to use ISO 200, so I set the meter to that, and also set it for 1/60 s. I take a reading. It says f/11. But I really want to use f/5.6. So <em>without taking another reading</em>, I change the shutter speed from 1/60 s to 1/250 s, and the meter now reads f/5.6.</p>

<p>To me this is only a minor inconvenience. If I'm taking time to use any meter other than the camera's, I'm working fairly slowly, and the camera is in manual exposure mode, so I have to adjust it anyway. The extra five or ten seconds to tweak the meter to get it to read the aperture I want, and then see what shutter speed I need, is a very small problem.</p>


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