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Weekly challenge help


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<p>I recently started a blog so my family and friends could follow my journey with photography. I am a complete newbie and need to come up with ways to challenge myself and expand my knowledge. Does anyone know of any good links to a photography challenge for beginners? I am shooting with a Canon 30D and a 50mm f/1.8 lens and have LR3 and also PSE 5.0. Thanks for any help you can give me!</p>
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<p>The simplest challenge, but still challenging, is to take at least one good photo every day/week/month, whatever time period you designate. Are you having trouble finding things to photograph? Try shooting ordinary objects in different ways.</p>
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<p>Maybe not what you would consider a challenge, but here at photo.net a member can start a no words thread with a given theme, then the rest of us add our theme-based images to that thread. It's fun, and, at least for me, presents some challenge to take a picture worthy of posting, while adhering to the theme. Sometimes that requires me to leave my comfort zone, and that's a good thing.</p>

<p>The way I do it is to look at past no words threads and see if I have relevant images. If not, then I get out and shoot some different subject matter and keep the images in a folder ready for posting.</p>

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<p>These days, we often look to the Internet for guidance and instruction, but I am going to point you back to the 1970's for your next assignment: hunting down and buying "The Art of Photography" from the 1970's Time Life Books series, "Life Library of Photography". Within "The Art of Photography" you will find assignments, and examples of responses to the subject of the assignment. All these film-based principles, concepts, and assignments apply equally well to digital photography. They are wonderful books.</p>

<p>I own a copy of "The Art of Photography", and "Special Problems" from the series. I found them in a used bookstore, and there are many more selections from the series, as shown on this Amazon.com web page:<br /> http://www.amazon.com/Life-Library-Photography-Ansel-Adams/dp/B000E8DLR2/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1328253711&sr=1-2</p>

<p>Try the Advanced Book Exchange, (that is AbeBooks.com) for all the titles that interest you. The ABE is a one-stop shopping site for independent booksellers across the county. I have used them several times. Also, check your local library, and local independent booksellers.</p>


<p>When you feel you are ready, you can practice posting photos on the new "Test Posting Forum". Then you can post an image for critique in the "Photo Critique Forum." From there, start a theme in the "No Words Forum" as mentioned earlier. You can always check back in here in the "Beginners Forum" as you progress.</p>

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<p>Thank you all so much for all the great advice! It is no nice to belong to such a supportive photography forum! I hope that in the future I can give as much advice as I am getting! :-) I will be looking into all of these things this weekend!</p>
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<p>You might also consider signing up for Google+. There are lots of photographers of all backgrounds, and many post or participate in challenges. I have an account and follow a few people, but haven't participated in any myself. I just like the variety of images I find there and the many different ways people interpret things. Feel free to send me a message and I'll give you some names to get started. </p>


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