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F100--repair manual PDF?


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A few quickies:<br>

Does anyone recall seeing the F100 repair (v. user) manual PDF? If so, would you be inclined to send same via attached file?</p>


<p>The nine (?) pin 'jack' on the front of the F100: other than remote shutter release, are you owners of the F100 using it for connection to your PC? I've seen mention of the MC-31 on various websites... </p>

<p>thank you!</p>

<p>Dean Taylor</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I use it to connect to my PC, via a MC-33 cable, and download my shooting data to Camera Companion <a href="http://www.holymoose.com/">http://www.holymoose.com/</a> It is not as detailed as EXIF data, but it gives me the film speed, shutter speed, f-stop, lens focal length, and for zooms the set focal length, flash type, flash mode, exposure value difference (ambient to flash), exposure mode, and meter mode. Camera Companion adds fields for the date and comments, which must be entered manually, and allows me to link the data to a scan of the negative.</p>

<p><br />I highly recommend Camera Companion, which I am running under Windows 7 x64 with no problems.</p>

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