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Prefered developer with HP5+


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After a bit og experimenting I have found the right developing time

for HP5+ in ID-11. I´m very pleased with the look of the grain, but

thought it would be smaller. I can´t see no noticable difference in

grain size when I compare Tri-X and HP5+ developed in ID-11. I tried

HP5+ because I wanted an ISO 400 film with less grain than Tri-X.

What developer should I use to minimise the grain?

Also, i tried a roll of the new 400 Delta in ID-11, very fine grain!!

Are there any developers i should try with this fim?

I´m thinking of trying out HC-110 at high dilutions, how do these two

films behave in that developer?

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I love HP5+ in HC 110, however i use a diluition that i call B/2 (twice the diluition B) - 1:62 from concentrate or 1:14 from stock.

I`ve made a 30x40cm (12x16inch cca.) print from a neg of HP5+ rated at 800 ASA and couldn`t see the grain from normal viewing distance (cca. 15 inch) - i was impressed!

However the grain is a very personal experience - and what is acceptible for me may be horrible to others - try it it`s worth a look!

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I second John's recommendations. First make certain the film is

not being overdeveloped. HC-110 has actually got slightly

coarser grain than d- 76 and diluting the developer generally will

further reduce the developers solvent effect resulting in even

more visible grain.


Are you using ID-11 undiluted? This will provide the finest grain

effect from that developer.


You could try perceptol 1:1 with a slight speed loss

( around half a stop ) or undiluted with a greater loss of speed

( 1 stop ) and sharpness.


Another good fine grain developer which produces very nice

gradation is agfa atomal ( ppd based ) you also lose about a

stop worth of speed with this developer as well as suffering from

decreased sharpness.


It is all about what trade-offs you are prepared to make.


Otherwise it would be better just to use Delta 400 in ID-11 stock.

or Perceptol 1:1 for very fine grain.

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I'd suggest Ilford Perceptol at 1+1. Generally speaking the higher

the dilution of a developer the more pronounced the edge-effect

therefore the more pronounced the grain so HC110 at higher

dilution would not seem the best direction to go in. However

having said that I have developed HP5 rated at 160 ASA in

Rodinal (most definitely not a fine-grain developer) at 1:50

dilution and the grain was very muted. Consider also the

Stockler two-bath developer.

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Jonas, try Ilford's Microphen developer at the 1+1 dilution. I use the powdered form, but the liquid form, DD-X, will give the same result. The grain is relatively fine, and HP-5+ can be rated at the full 400 speed, since this developer is speed enhansing. I seem to get more "sparkle" out of the HP-5 with the Microphen than I previously got with ID-11 at the 1+1 dilution.
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I consider HP5+ and TX to be essentially equal in graininess.


As for HP5+ you can reduce the graininess (assuming it's got grossly overexposed or overdeveloped) by using Microdol-X or Perceptol but there will be a speed loss of a stop or so, plus then you get into considerations of whether an EI 100 film in a phenidone (speed enhancing) developer would be better.


Anyway, I think you've solved the problem; use Delta 400.

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I'm assuming you're shooting 35mm, or you probably wouldn't be worried about grain. <br>

I shoot HP5, but only in MF, and develop in HC-110B. I think if I were to shoot it in 35mm I'd use XTOL... it'll probably help quiet the grain down and still give good sharpness. Although my life with XTOL ended after the 3rd "strange" batch in a row.

This was shot on HP5 and dev'd in HC-110B:<br><br>

<img src="http://www.grantheffernan.com/journal/journal_images/dc110902/hp5-1.jpg"><br><br>

Hard to judge grain on the web obviously, but at 8x10 it's not visible and at 16x20 hardly so. So my answer on reducing grain? Shoot MF ;-)<br>

If you really want good grain from a 400 speed film in 35mm, go with Delta 400 in XTOL.<br>

-<a href="http://www.grantheffernan.com" target="_blank">Grant</a>

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