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When will this come?

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<p>When will any of the bigger manufacturers make a camera like this:</p>

<p>- The Fuji X100 viewfinder (or better)<br>

- Similar body to the X100 or M9 or similar)<br>

- Same/Similar autofocus-system as the Nikon V1<br>

- All other specifications from the Canon 5D mkII (or better), I have this awesome camera today, but its to bulky.<br>

- 35mm f2.0 (or better, as long as the price isn't absurd)<br>

- 50mm f1.4<br>

- 85mm f2.0 (or better, as long as the price isn't absurd)</p>

<p>Tell me when it will arrive and I'll buy it in a flash!<br>

<br /></p>

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<p>I am prepared to hop in my flying car and go right to the store to pick one of these up. <strong><a href="../casual-conversations-forum/00ZokH?start=25">Not that there are any stores left around here</a></strong>. So I'll have to have one teleported instantly into my camera bag from B&H's new Wish Fulfillment Division.</p>
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<p>Yep! the new Fuji will be announced soon. Interchangeable lenses, Newly designed Fuji 16MP APS-C high dynamic range sensor, rangefinder form factor, high speed lenses, no AA filter! Oh MOMMA!<br>

“Translation of the French article's main points:<br />• Deliveries will start in March<br />• Camera kit includes 35mm lens and will be priced around € 1,300<br />• Other lenses will be priced around € 600<br />• Camera features APS-C sized sensor (crop factor 1.5)<br>

• Sensor will feature a color filter pattern w/ 6 filter sites per pixel instead of the usual 4 of a normal Bayer pattern; no AA filter required -> higher native sensor resolution<br />• 60mm lens has macro capabilities<br>

• "X-Mount" bayonet system features 17.7mm flange-to-sensor distance, and features a minimum distance from back lens to sensor of 7.5mm<br />• Hybrid VF w/ zoom function<br />• VF features parallax compensation”</p>

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<p>I know. It will come on August 21st at 12:45, midday. But only the the righteous will be granted this camera. You have to rid yourself of all unholy photographic equipment. Give it away to the poor, burn it in a bonfire, toss it into the depths of a sea. Await this holy camera pure and naked and it will come to you! (msrp: US $5200)</p>
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<p>Because you are just not going to see a full-frame sensor on a digicam anytime soon.</p>

<p>"Cheap" is relative. To some people, $10,000 for a Leica M9 and one M lens is no problem. Fuji is selling the X10 with a tiny sensor for $500. I can only imagine how much that type camera would sell for with a full-frame sensor on it. That a few people would buy it makes no sense economically for Fuji or anyone else. A few people would buy anything because they can, but no one's making one right now because it makes no sense from the manufacturers point of view, which is rarely the same as the users point of view. A Canon 5D Mark 1 is only getting "cheap" these days because it's "old" in digital terms.</p>

<p> </p>

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Old Canon 5D is not as good as the Fuji X10 (until about ISO 800), as you can see by comparing the imaging-resource.com studio shots. Both are 12 Mp cameras. This is giving the 5D a huge advantage: 100/2.8 macro lens instead of a zoom lens with many optical defects such as the 24-105/4.


Ironic that we are discussing mirrorless cameras when the Nikon D4 was just announced. Isn't anybody interested in that?

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<p>The bigger camera companies apparently don't see this as a profitable market (Canon and Nikon dropped RF system cameras in the 1960s, 50 years ago). If the new Fuji had a full size sensor it would possibly be equal to the Leica M9 (18 MP full size sensor). The latter doesn't have autofocus, but then few other companies have modern f0.95 normal lenses and f1.4 lenses in the range of 21 to 35 mm focal length and a 75mm f1.4 (possibly discontinued now). Of course, small means expensive. If you already have some of the Leica lenses the playing field becomes a bit more level as new lenses you may not need.</p>

<p>On the other hand, some say the NEX-7 (adaptable to many manufacturer lenses) has an IQ similar to the M9 so maybe the new Fuji will satisfy many even if it has the smaller sensor. There is certainly a lot of difference in price between the M9 and the X1. </p>

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