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New Portra 160


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<p>I just bought a full box of New Portra 160 in 120 size. I will post a link in a few weeks when it's shot and processed, but I'd like to solicit your opinions on it. So far, from what I can read on it, the exposure latitude is incredible. If you've discovered any issues that I need to be aware of specific to this newer film, I would like to hear it!</p>
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<p>I think it's an absolutely incredible film. It's head and shoulders above many for easy scanning and quite sharp and fine grained. It's a little more muted than Portra 400, and less versatile at 160, but definitely another excellent flavor of Portra.</p>

<p><a title="Emmart-Levitan 10 by Ryan M Long Photography, on Flickr" href=" Emmart-Levitan 10 src="http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6191/6144757436_7cdd00b380_z.jpg" alt="Emmart-Levitan 10" width="640" height="511" /></a></p>

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<p>The photo of the shoes is really nice and really shows Portra's potentiality!<br>

Compared with the Fuji Pro160C or S, I love Portra's colours and I hate Fuji's. I can never get the colours I want from Fuji (always with a blueish or greenish cast), while I always get perfectly balanced colours from Kodak's. Perhaps it has to do with my scanner - Coolscan.<br>

However, because of my style and my subjects, when I use Portra I always end up a little disappointed, because what I would like is an Ektar with somewhat higher sensitivity. Of course Ektar is different. So, sometimes I Photoshop Portra's colours to make them look a little like Ektar.</p>


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<p>How new is the "New" Portra 160? I shot some stuff with my ETRSi about a year ago using Portra 160NC and I must say that it did an outstanding job.</p>

<p>Bronica ETRSi, 75mm f/2.8, Porta 160NC, exposure unrecorded. Scanned on an Epson 4990.<br>

<img src="http://michaelmcbroom.com/images/strandharleysetrsi4.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="654" /></p>

<p><img src="http://michaelmcbroom.com/images/strandharleysetrsi3.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>So if the new Portra 160 is better than the Portra I was using, then I need to go get me some!</p>

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