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<p>I was just looking Through some of my photo's and notice that they can be linked to Pinterest and facebook by other users and I was just wondering why we are not given the option to opt out of that as I'm not to keen on Pinterest at all and would like to have a bit more control on what is shared on other sites by other people. Just wondering about that but didn't know if this is the rite spot for this.</p>
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<p>I think you should read this, and the ensuing discussion (excuse the rather condescending article title, no offence intended!).<br>


It's impossible to prevent other people from using your images on pinterest or any other wensite. No matter what steps you take to stop downloads etc they are all very easily worked around and anything that can be seen on a computer screen can by copied elsewhere.<br>

People will just download your pictures (it doesn't matter if right click is disabled or they have a transparent image overlaid they still easy to download) and upload them to Pinterest etc.<br>

You would be better off allowing them to be linked to and then people may follow the links back to your site.<br>

It's really something to embrace rather than try and prevent.<br>


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<p>I was just wondering why we are not given the option to opt out of that</p>


<p>You've always had the choice to opt out of those links. Look for the "Sharing links: disable | enable" toggle in your workspace. It's on the right hand side with all the other site options.</p>

<p>That having been said, all that does is remove the buttons. In all honesty, you cannot stop people from pinning things on Pinterest or liking them on FB or any of that. All it takes is a page URL for that to happen. There is nothing Photo.net (or really you on your own website) can do to stop it aside from never putting your images on the internet.</p>

<p>Now, the plus side is that the number of views that a particular image gets if it becomes popular on Pinterest, Stumbleupon etc is truly staggering. So if your goal in having images online is to get people to look at them, the social sharing sites can be a useful tool in achieving that.</p>

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"It's impossible to prevent other people from using your images on pinterest…"


That has yet to be tested. While anything you publish online may be downloaded and shared, that doesn't

mean that it's legal, or right, or without consequences. Copyright law exists to provide a legal remedy in

situations where copying and republishing are technically easy and unpreventable. Pinterest itself may be

shielded from copyright suits by the DMCA, but individual users are not and I think it's only a matter of

time before someone decides to sue an individual user. Trey seems to enjoy Pinterest and may have

even made it work for his bottom line, but his opinion in not universal. There is an interesting discussion

here: http://www.aphotoeditor.com/2012/02/14/dont-like-me/

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<p>I was speaking practically. I was making no comment on the legality or lack thereof of any business model, nor do I think that my comments implied that I was. My point was no more or less than this:</p>

<p>At this time, anyone who wants to can grab the URL of the page where something they think is interesting sits, and post it to their preferred social network.</p>

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