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Nikon D700 and Bowens Gemini 500


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<p>Hello everyone,<br>

I am going crazy with the triggering of my two Bowens gemini 500, with my d700.<br>

For triggering the strobes I use whether a very simple <em>Tristar 4 channel radio trigger </em>OR the original <em>Bowens sync cable, attached to my d700 with a hotshoe adaptor</em>.<br>

Sometimes I'm working with the radio trigger and the strobes start going crazy and fire continuously without any command, and when I shoot the camera the strobes won't fire.<br />So that is the moment in which I switch to the sync cable (because I think it dues to some problem in transmission). But today when I tried using the sync cord, the strobe CONTINUED doing the same crazy thing... I tried turning everyhing off and on, and I wasn't able to use them finally. There was no way to get the camera and strobes together.<br>

I wonder if I am missing something or doing something completely wrong, because the same thing happened to me when I had the same strobes with my Nikon D80.<br />Maybe I need a better radio trigger, but shouldn't the strobes fire with the cord? <br>

Has this happened to anyone?<br>

Thank you very much in advance (and I'm sorry if my english is not so clear)</p>

<p>Ana Lucía</p>

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<p>Sounds like an optical triggering or mains power interference issue. Are there any bright fluorescent lights in the studio? If so, just turn 'em off. Do you have any known issues with the power supply? If so you might need better earthing or to fit a spike suppressor. Check the mains plug connections and the connector into the strobes. You sometimes get this effect if the power connection to the strobes is making intermittent contact.</p>

<p>Also, why are you using a hotshoe adapter? That's exactly what the P-C socket on the side of the D700 is for - no adapter should be needed.</p>

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<p>Thanks to everyone. I am still investigating. I think i'm having not one, but several problems. So I am going to investigate each by each.<br>

I hope shortly understand it and post here the answer.<br>

By the way, Rodeo Joe, thank you for letting me know about the flash port in the camera! I'm so stupid!</p>



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  • 5 weeks later...

<p>Hi Greg!<br>

I tried changing my radio trigger and now it works PER FECT LY! I got a Flash Wave III (Rx and Tx).</p>

<p>I think the problem were two things: 1) mi radio trigger was working wrong (it was a cheap one used for 3 years); and 2) for connecting the sync cable I used a shoe adaptor, which I learned was working bad as well.<br>

I suggest you try your flashes with other reliable radio trigger. (I know you can't trust that it works ONCE at the store, but to me the risk was worthy since it now works always perfectly.)<br>

I REALLY hope you solve your problem soon, it can get you nuts!</p>

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