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LOOKIE HERE: Updates to the new mobile Photo.net.....


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<p>The first version of the photo.net mobile site for smartphones (and other mobile devices) was announced last week in this thread:</p>


<p>Since then, we've fixed most of the small bugs that were mentioned there. In addition, we have made two changes:</p>



<li><strong>Unified Forum View</strong></li>

<p>The <a href="unified/">Unified Forum View</a> is now available formatted for the mobile platform. You can use the <a href="unified/personalize">customizing function </a>and you can also use the <a href="unified/q-and-a-new-answers">Unified "New answers since your last visit" view</a>.</p>

<li><strong>iPad default view</strong></li>

<p>After some feedback and consideration, we have changed the default view for iPads to be the full site. However, iPad users can go directly to <a href="http://m.photo.net/" target="_blank">m.photo.net</a> and it will allow you to use the mobile version. <br /> <br />On an iPad, if you attempt to access a section of the site which has not been mobilized, it will send you to the live site. If you are on a non-iPad mobile device the next time you hit a section that has a mobile version, you will be sent back to the corresponding page on the mobile site. However, this will not happen for iPads. Once you're bounced to the live site, you have to manually go back to a mobile page to use the mobile site again. We're hoping to make a more simple solution in the future. But for the moment, this is how it is set up for iPad users.</p>


<p>Any questions? Please ask here in this thread.</p>

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<p>Coming along great, Josh. <br /><br />One nit-picky thing. When I hit the classic site layout using the iPad, I'm missing the "jump to bottom" link that you previously had near the top of each page when the server detected the mobile/iPad Safari flavor. Can you ressurect that? It's helpful on long threads, POW content, etc. Thanks!</p>
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<p>OK, so I see the Jump to Bottom link now ... was I blind, before, or did you fix it? Thanks if you did, and sorry if you didn't!</p>


<p>Nope, if you hadn't said something, it would have taken us even longer to notice it was missing. Thank you for the heads up.</p>

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<p>One note on the mobile version (and maybe I did something wrong -- didn't really have time to investigate), but I tried to post something yesterday via my iPhone, and although I was already logged in, rather than accepting my post, it put me back to a log on screen...</p>
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<p>although I was already logged in, rather than accepting my post, it put me back to a log on screen...</p>



<p>Were you logged into the normal site or into the mobile site? You have to be logged to whatever version of the site you are using. If you are logged into one and try to submit something to the site using the other version, you will get bounced to the log in.</p>

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<p>I like the look of the mobile site main page. But how do I get to My Workspace?</p>


<p>At the moment, there is no "mobile workspace". But we are very close to having one.</p>

<p>In the meantime, you'll have to go directly to the workspace URL http://www.photo.net/pvt/home</p>

<p>Keep in mind that you will get kicked back to the normal (non-mobile) site when you do so.</p>

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  • 1 month later...
<p>Josh, great idea. The front page works great on my iPhone 4, I like the size of the horizontal "buttons" very easy to select. and very usable. The one problem I've found so far is on image threads, the photos are larger than the view space and they don't seem to size to fit.</p>
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