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List of unscrupulous Stock Agencies


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In the past year, I was accepted by several stock agencies. With 2 out of the 6 that I began with, things are turning really sour.<br>

In both cases, they simply do not communicate once they have received the hi-res images. Repeated emails and reminders over an extended period elicit no response, and this is after they have confirmed that the DVDs were received by them.<br>

The two agencies are run by individuals - not large corporate houses and their names feature in the lists of agencies floating on the net, as well as in printed business guidebooks for photographers.<br>

The doubt that nags me is that they might use my 500 images without honoring the agreement with me. No doubt my few images wont go very far in increasing their income, but I am probably not the only photographer that's in this boat.<br>

Is there a list out there of agencies that are known to be dishonest / unscrupulous? It would be nice for newcomers to know what to avoid.<br>


Jaina Mishra</p>

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probably unnessessary communication prevents them from doing their business. Be happy that you entered ship as a newcomer. Wait and see. But do not ask when you will have your first sale and so on. With a minimum of 1000 pics in one agency you will start with a somehow regular sale on the very low end, depending on the subject you are photographing. That business has calmed down severely, having had its peak in 2000, at least for me. Now it is only 20% of that value, going further south. No reason to hassle with, it is nearly dead anyway. That is the sad truth. Agencies always have the chance to >forget< some sales on your royalty report, but you should know that beforehand. That is how the business works, you have to trust the people.<br>

Just my 2 cent.<br>



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<p>What kind of research and due-diligence did you do when choosing the stock agencies to submit to? Handing over hi-res images to just about anyone is asking or your images to be stolen and used without your permission or compensation.</p>
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<p>Thanks for the responses Peter, Mukul, Alex and Craig.<br /> Peter, my emails to them were enquiries about frequency of reports generated, why the contract they said they have sent had not reached me and such other admin details - not really about the sales of my images.<br /> Alex, after their names showed up in lists of agencies posted on the web, I checked out their website. I googled the names of the main guys running the agencies. In one case they turned out to be reputed photogs associated with NG. I did not enquire with other photogs that they represent. In hindsight I should have done that. But I acted in good faith, and it appears now that that was a bad idea.<br /> Craig, it IS one side of the story ... but when there is nothing but silence - its not about a deal going bad - its just complete lack of communication that is annoying. If there were a dispute or a disagreement, there would at least be the possibility of finding a solution. But right now its a dead end. I am aware that the net needs to be used carefully before posting anything negative - so I am not doing that. But I do wish there was some fair way to deal with this!<br /> thanks<br /> <br /> jaina</p>

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