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software friendly to panasonic lumix RAW2 files?


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<p>I recently bought a g3. It shoots in Raw. It seems, however that the accompanying software 'Photofunstudio' can't seem to do anything much with a RAW image. I want to convert it to a TIFF. Perhaps i am just stupid but i can't get it to do anything, but convert it to a jpg. Mind you with a name like Photofun i am not filled with confidence. I am also a little disturbed by the fact that I macs dont supoport lumix or vice versa, so I can't upload from camera into my Imac, unless I use iphoto, but that only supports jpg.<br>

Neither can i open their RAW2 files in ACR. I have cs4 and I have installed the ACR 5.2 update. No joy there either.<br>

I wonder if anyone can tell me if there way to access raw2 files and covert them to tiffs? </p>

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<p>I found Olympus Master 2 equally limiting for ORFs, which my versions of Photoshop and Elements don't recognise. <br>

I now use IrfanView4.30, which opens then up and saves then as a huge choice of formats: Free download here:<br>

<a href="http://www.irfanview.com/">http://www.irfanview.com/</a><br>

Make sure you also download the plugins from the same source.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Go back and double-check that software CD that came with the Panasonic camera. Perhaps the raw file editor is there and you just missed it.</p>

<p>I have and use an older camera, Panasonic Lumix DMZ-FZ8, and it came with a basic raw file editor/converter - SilkyPix Developer Studio 2.0 SE - which is probably a 'lite' version of a more advanced version. see <a href="http://www.Silkypix.com">Www.Silkypix.com</a> for latest versions of this app.</p>

<p>If you dont see it on the software CD, go back and carefully "scan" every page of the owner's manual, see if there is any fine print that says you can download a raw file editor from a website somewhere.</p>

<p>Whther or not they make a Silkypix app for the Mac... that's another question.<br>

All else fails, contact Panasonic tech support, either by phone or chat session.</p>


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<p>Yep you're right. Well, the acr 5.2 update says its is compatible with cs4. I've installed it but no joy.<br>

BUT the first time i put the disk in to my computer there was no silkypix in the window, just funphoto. So i checked it and this time Silky pix appeared but ... no funphotostudio. Anyway thanks for your advice, I seem to have sorted the problem. Weird tho. Also embarrassing. </p>

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<p>I have a Mac G5 and Silkypix 3.1 was included with my Panasonic GF1. It loaded from the supplied disc without a problem onto my computer. I tried it and it opens raw2 files on my Mac. I can manipulate them OK but Silkypix is clunky rubbish. It is slow ands awful. I saved the file as a tiff without a problem but it took 30 seconds.<br>

My suggestion is to get something else. I am surprised that the Photoshop raw converter does not have an update to open Panasonic raw2 files. Sometimes you need to go to their site and download the latest update. Good luck. </p>

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