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Hi-Matic 11 follow up

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<p>In the absence of any better advice I filed the end of a pair of long-nosed pilers to a sharp point and used those to undo the collars around the rewind and advance cranks.</p>

<p>After that it was just a case of two screws and unsoldering the flash contact wire to get the top off.</p>

<p>Looking at the innards gave me a headache but I went ahead and cleaned the viewfinder lenses (but not the half silvered mirror thing) with earbuds and a mix of alcohol and water.</p>

<p>Now I can see clearly again!</p>

<p>Then it was a Brillo pad to remove some corrosion on the film plane in the back and a final cleanup.</p>

<p>Comparing the meter with my DSLR shows it's not far off, really.</p>

<p>So there's a film in and hopefully some results before long.</p>

<p>It's an ingenious little piece of gadgetry, really. Unlike my Yachica Electro 35 pressing the shutter halfway gives you exposure lock and you can see both aperture and shutter in the viewfinder.</p>

<p>On the other hand I should not be too surprised - men had reached the moon 2 years before this camera was made.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>OK, pics probably in a week or so - I'm away this coming week.</p>

<p>I have nearly finished a roll of Ilford FP4+</p>

<p>It's heavier and bigger than my Nikon FG with 50mm F1.8 E-Series lens - I did not expect that. I am also very impressed with the indicator that shows your film is winding on - all cameras could do with something like that. Kind of like my 1959 Rover 3 Liter - it had a switch on the dashboard that showed the oil level on the fuel gauge when you pressed it. Why can't all cars have something like that?</p>

<p>Regarding the fix-up, perhaps I need one of those magnifying lenses with a built in light.</p>

<p>I suspect now I've made my first modest attempt that others will follow.</p>

<p> </p>

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