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Help, just purchased the nikon 50mm f/1.4 AF-D lens...........


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<p>Hey I just bought thenikon 50 mm f/1.4D Af Nikkor lens (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00005LENO/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER) and I cannot get it to focus automatically. I have a D90, there a switch on the body of the camera which is set on AF so that is out of the way, but the AF button right next to the shutter release button is not working and the rotating ring has no affect on it as it would usually scroll through my focusing options. What am I doing wrong.......how do i fix it...........please be specific.</p>
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<p>Ilia, in the D90 body, just below lens release button, is yet one switch. Did you check that? Turn that to M and test focus manually - should do. Then turn that switch to AF. The lens is then supposed to barely focus manually - at least there should be increased resistance to focus manually.<br>

After this try focus AF. If not AF, check the settings that effect on the AF-activation. These settings are the function assigned to AE-L/AF-L button and how AF is activated by pressing the shutter release halfway. Other factors that can have an effect exists too.<br>

Check the lens/camera connection, take the lens away and but it back again. Hope these help.</p>

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<p>I have the 50mm 1.4D, and it will autofocus just fine on the D90. Also it will function just fine in aperture, shutter, manual and program modes using the camera's command wheels.</p>

<p>Because the 1.4D has a manual aperture ring, one must set the aperture manually to F16 <em><strong>and just leave it there.</strong></em> In fact, to keep one from moving the aperture ring on the digital body, there is a notch on the aperture ring and a little "switch," if you will, a ting lug that one slides into the aperture ring to lock it into place at F16. The lug is orange and F16 is marked in orange to match and remind you.</p>

<p>Do this and enjoy the 50 with screwdriver autofocus on your D90.</p>

<p>I keep the lens because it does have the aperture ring, and every now and then I like to run a roll of film through my old FE or even my older Nikon F. The lens is happy on old and new Nikon bodies.</p>

<p>Dave Ralph</p>

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<p>...AF button right next to the shutter release button</p>


<p>Is the camera set up so that the AF button controls AF? There is most likely a custom setting that lets you choose whether you want activate AF with the AF-on button or by half-pressing the shutter release button itself. Check the camera's manual for that.</p>

<p>Does AF work with other lenses?</p>

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