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Too much to ask for

ian s. forsyth

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<p>I received a phone call today enlightening me that I will have my k5 back in 2 weeks. When I total up the time th

at this camera has been away it will be 15.5 weeks for the warranty repair. My question should I demand that

my warranty be increased equal to the duration the camera has not been in my posse

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<p>With what has happened to me with the K5 I have looked back and took an inventory count with my pentax gear. Anything I have purchased after pentax went DLSR has had a 33% failure rate inside the warranty period that is lenses and bodies. Then when I go back and look at my Sigma glass much of which is older than my pentax DA and DA* I find that all still have no issues besides the 105 macro I dropped. At this time I am lost for words as what I will do with pentax.</p>
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<p>Well, look Ian, it's probably better to keep the primary issue in focus here: you want the warranty extended to encompass time away for repairs. That seems reasonable. Definitely research the consumer protection laws in your province. </p>

<p>Also, in the US, many credit card companies will double your warranty if you originally paid for the product with their credit card. Don't know if this is applicable up north. If they don't give you the extra three months, usually I would suggest writing the company execs directly--that said, your timing between ownership transition makes these kinds of wrong righting efforts more complicated.<br>

<br />Your second point is about the QC of recent Pentax products in general. The validity--and then cause of that problem is a lot more complex. And it's out of our hands except for providing Ricoh with direct feedback come next month when they take over. If it is bad enough to push you towards another brand, then so be it, but they all seem to have issues.<br>

<br />I would check on the most recent JD Power online DSLR report to look at anything close to objective data about brand preferences. If I recall, the differences between the highest rated brand and the lowest rated brand were very minor, regardless of how many stars (or whatever) they awarded. So, all the brands seem equally average :)</p>


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<p>Thus my film bodies travel with my DSLR. I have had okay results and life expectancy with the newer technology, but my K1000 and Spotmatic still burn film accurately after decades and I wonder if the same will be said of the DSLR bodies? Warranty? Remember when they were meaningless because the mechanicals rarely if ever failed?</p>
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<p>While we're on the 'too much to ask for' tip... hey Pentax, how's about giving the K5's Raw+ customizable button the possible function of manually setting WB with a single push, just like my Canon S95? I find myself constantly fiddling with WB as I'm too lazy to shoot in RAW... this would put an already amazing camera even farther over the top.</p>


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<p>At this time I have picked up my K5 I ran it thru some tests it looks to be clean. It has a new serial # so I guess it was replaced. As far as the metering problems I had with other lenses that problem has cleared up all my important glass works. While setting up the camera all but one of my lenses have serious BF issues well beyond the fine tune adjustment. I am going to send the camera away next fall for the BF only because I would like to use it for this winter holidays, next spring and summer. After that I don’t care.</p>
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