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out of stock filter holders for 4x6 Singh-Ray ND Grad.


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I'd like to buy the two filters below, but everywhere I searched (the usual suspects, adorama, amazon and bhphoto) they are out of stock. Is there another site I might have overlooked?<br>



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<th align="left">

<p>4x6 Galen Rowell ND Grad. Filter- 2 f-stop, soft-step graduation<br>

and 3 stop hard edge</p>




<th align="left"></th><th align="left"></th>




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<p>Are you looking for the filters or a filter holder?</p>

<p>The filters are available directly from Singh-Ray as mentioned above.</p>

<p>AFAIK, they do not make any holders for their filters. There are many manufacturers out there like Cokin or LEE that make holders for Singh-Ray's filters.<br>

<br />RS</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>thanks all! I am NOTlooking for the filters themselves, but for the Lee and Cokin Pro-z HOLDERS. The holders seem to be out of stock, not the filters (but apparently one can very well hand hold them). thanks</p>
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Thanks, they are still unavailable :-(.




<h2><a name="desc" href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/387303-REG/Cokin_CBZ100_Z_PRO_Filter_Holder_Requires.html">Z-PRO Filter Holder (Requires Adapter Ring)</a></h2>


<ul >

<li>Can Hold 3 Standard Z-PRO Filters (2mm)</li>


<em > </em>


<ul >

<li>B&H # COFHZP</li>

<li >Mfr # CBZ100</li>



Temporarily unavailable

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<p>Joe, apparently it's a known problem, I had no idea. Below an answer from the singh-ray customer service rep:<br>

Have you tried the Hitech system? (<a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/100639-REG/Hitech_HT1002_4x4_F" target="_blank">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/100639-REG/Hitech_HT1002_4x4_F</a>ilter_Holder_MK4.html). I know the Cokin and Lee holders seem to be almost impossible to find. You may have some luck on ebay.</p>

I know that since Cokin has had financial difficulties lately, many vendors will soon be coming out with their own versions of the holders. It may be easier to wait for them to come on the market, and hand hold your filters until the time being.

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