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women vs. men street photographers


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<p>In general, I would say yes, but I would also have to say it depends on other factors such as location (a lone woman with a camera at a public park will arouse less suspicion then a lone man regardless of his appearance and over all demeanor) as well as the country one is in and so on. People will think what they will think. The problem comes in when someone over reacts at a knee jerk reaction and rather then remain cool and calm and gathers the facts, they instead create a situation that can become very unpleasant very quickly. This is just something those of us shooting in public have to be aware of and ready for.</p>
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<p>All other things being equal (behavior, demeanor, shooting style, appearance of equipment, etc), I feel certain that a woman will have an easier time of it than a man with certain street-shooting situations (especially involving female or juvenile subjects). On the other hand, there are places where I'm sure that I'd get less guff than a woman, but it's because I'm a more imposing figure, and some people just aren't inclined to give me crap that they would definitely give to someone more diminutive (likely of either gender).<br /><br />It really does depend on the circumstances ... but I know that I have to be very thoughtful about how I come across, while some women photographers I know say it hardly crosses their mind, because people simply don't seem to wonder about their motives.</p>
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<p>thanks! i didn't necessarily think it would be gender specific, but was curious to know if it does play out like that. yes, in a crowded touristy area, folks taking pics of other folks is routine, so no eyebrows raised. however, even if one is not stereotypically "suspicious looking" (whatever that means), some people do get suspicious if they see a lone photographer off the beaten tracks...i suppose how one conducts oneself plays a role too...</p>
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<p>As a large hairy man, and a self-confessed weirdo as well, I have to say that yes women have it easier in a lot of situations on the street. There are many, many shots I would love to take but I know better than to try just because I know my appearance will cause an overblown reaction. OTOH, there are many situations where I can walk in without a care in the world, such as 3am in a New Orleans cemetery, where my wife wouldn't dare get out of the car. Or even stop the car.</p>
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<p>I think a woman appears less threatening and more 'tourist' looking. I think being a woman and approachable has helped me to get a shot most men would not...like kids in the park. I think in general yes, woman have an advantage over men :) </p>
  • Henri Matisse. “Creativity takes courage”
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