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Fun with a Minolta SRT-102

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<p>Hey!<br /><br />I usually post here asking for help for some assorted camera issue or another. So this time I'd post some pictures taken with my Minolta SRT-102. Though I have an X-700 (an amazing camera in its own right) and a Konica Auto S2, it is always this old SRT that I keep coming back to. Built like a tank, meters is probably the best I've used, and the lenses... Ahem. Sorry, was drooling a little there. Anyway, it is sometimes impressive to think that an "old" machine like this can keep up with much younger brethren ;o) <br /><br />First, the obligatory camera porn:<br /><a title="DSC_3007 by Valkyrie_VF2X, on Flickr" href=" DSC_3007 src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6082/6064000503_b63e203126_z.jpg" alt="DSC_3007" width="640" height="426" /></a><br /><br />Next, a few pics taken. Since I don't have a decent scanner, I either used a D40 with a macro lens to either shoot the neg, or the print. Gotta improvise when you aren't rich... The film was Efke 25, btw. <br /><br /><br>

This is at Point Park, atop Lookout Mountain. This one was shot with a Vivitar 24mm lens.<br>

<a title="DSC_3675 by Valkyrie_VF2X, on Flickr" href=" DSC_3675 src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6061/6064477606_7b3682a447_z.jpg" alt="DSC_3675" width="426" height="640" /></a><br>

This is one of the towers they have surrounding the fort. This one with the Minolta Rokkor 135mm 2.8:<br /><br /><a title="DSC_3670 by Valkyrie_VF2X, on Flickr" href=" DSC_3670 src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6192/6064477526_def66f6373_z.jpg" alt="DSC_3670" width="640" height="425" /></a><br>

This is the entrance to the park. I think it was the 58mm lens on this one. <br /><br /><a title="DSC_3666 by Valkyrie_VF2X, on Flickr" href=" DSC_3666 src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6209/6064477462_f2839b0ec1_z.jpg" alt="DSC_3666" width="423" height="640" /></a><br>

A cannon aimed over the city. I believe the 58mm as well. <br>

<a title="DSC_3665 by Valkyrie_VF2X, on Flickr" href=" DSC_3665 src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6061/6063929081_078319d9fc_z.jpg" alt="DSC_3665" width="640" height="425" /></a><br>

For a final shot, this is the Tennessee River, as seen from Signal Mountain. Definitely the 58mm lens here. <br>

<a title="DSC_3664 by Valkyrie_VF2X, on Flickr" href=" DSC_3664 src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6199/6064477336_120f3536cb_z.jpg" alt="DSC_3664" width="640" height="431" /></a></p>

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<p>Great series, Juan. I started with one SRT (a 201) in 1977, that I bought from stock at the family camera shop. Now I have 7 (one for each day of the week). That 58mm f1.4 MC Rokkor is great as is the 135mm f2.8. <br>

One of my friends from childhood now lives near Signal Mountain. Beautiful country. Thanks for posting.</p>

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<p>Nice shots. Moody sort of atmosphere.</p>

<p>As a Civil War buff, they remind me that I haven't been there for quite a time now. One thing that I have not yet explored is whether there is barbeque in Chatanooga, and what style it is.</p>

<p>Annie Leibovitz started off with a Minolta SR-T 101, by the way.</p>

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<p>Hi Juan!<br>

Nice looking camera and even nicer pictures! This posting is timely as I just won a black SRT-102 with a Minolta MC Rokkor-X QF 200mm f3.5, a Minolta Rokkor-X PF f1.7 50mm and a Vivitar AT-5 extesion tube set and a Vivitar tele-converter.<br>

I can't wait for it to get here!<br>

Mike : D<br>

<br /></p>

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<p>Powerful pictures, <strong>Juan</strong>....I love the SRT series, though I find them a rather ugly camera, with the pentaprism looking as if it was stuck on as an afterthought. But they're solidly great performers. As <strong>Mike</strong> said, the Rokkor lenses are terriffic. Keep on having fun!</p>
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<p>Thanks for the positive comments!<br>

Rick: yeah, not the prettiest camera ever (I'm more partial to the X series, myself), but like a tank, it does what it is supposed to very well ;o) <br /><br />JDM: they seem to have lots of BBQ in Chattanooga. One good place is actually at the bottom of the mountain--like 10 minutes from Point Park is you let gravity help you on the way down. Tastes good and the smoker is intoxicating. <br>

Michael: Minolta lenses are an addiction. Extremely good, and usually can be had for REALLY cheap. Good or bad combination, depending on who you ask, lol. </p>

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