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Tokina lenses made my ex-Nikon engineers?

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<p>This is often the norm in any industry, particular high tech consumer products. Engineers, marketing, sales staff, often move from one company to another over the course of their careers as a result of the desire to climb the ladder, do their own thing, or simply innovate. I'm sure there are ex-Canon engineers at Nikon or you name the company and vice-versa.</p>
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<p><em>...that some of the [new] original tokina lenses [are] were designed by ex-nikon engineers</em></p>


<p>What you probably remember reading is that Tokina was originally founded (1970's?) by ex-Nikon engineers, so it follows that the original lens designs were also by ex-Nikon employees. Whether any <strong>current</strong> Tokina lenses might be designed by ex-Nikon engineers is less clear, but as Charles noted it is certainly possible that there is some movement of talent within Japanese optical companies.</p>

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<p>Mr. Henneberger....</p>

<p>I'd say yes. Although perhaps trivia, it is interesting information thrown out to people who take an interest in almost all things photography. A second reason might be information for people who have been led to believe only a specific brand (in this case, Nikon) can make good lenses or other products. Perhaps because of this discussion, a Nikon enthusiast might believe his own eyes, having seen good results produced by a non-Nikon lens, and feel justified purchasing the other brand, usually at a significant savings, with the rationale that maybe it was made by or designed by Nikon people anyway. </p>

<p>I've been with Photonet longer than my ten-year badge shows. Many times I've seen something in the posts which, although not relevant at the time, became worthwhile knowing later on. Best of all, Photonetters over the years discuss such a wide variety of issues that almost everyone can find information, be it just interesting or extremely valuable. </p>

<p>Mr. B, by starting this post, is most properly acting in the original spirit that Photonet was based on when originated and developed by the most talented Philip Greenspun. </p>

<p>A. T. Burke </p>

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<p>Thank you for your long commentary on my question A.T. Indeed, according to the very criteria you raise, it is relevant to consider whether it matters if some company's former staff work there and whether it is helpful in reality, perception or out of some whimsical notion.</p>

<p>Adding to the question of whether it matters, is, if so, how? Unless someone has information to provide us, having former Nikon staff could be either a negative or positive attribute or have no relevant effect at all. Exploring these issues is, likewise, "most properly acting in the original spirit that Photonet was based on when originated and developed by the most talented Philip Greenspun".</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>on a slight but hopefully not too much of a tangent, does anyone have any information about whether Tokina ever made lenses for Nikon as an "OEM" - which i think means something like sub-contract manufacturing?<br>

any information at all will be much appreciated and acknowledged. thanks!</p>

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