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Leica M used pricing

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<p>I've noticed the M prices have crept up a bit. Film has seen a resurgence lately which has led to greater demand. They're still pretty reasonable though. A new M7 costs $5,000, but a mint condition M6 TTL can be had for less than $2,000 if you shop around.</p>
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<p>Most of the price increase has been the result of the micro 4/3 market and the ability to mount M lenses via adaptors. If one looks at the market, it's easy to see which lens have increased more than others; the 35mm Summicrons have almost doubled, whereas the 50mm Summicrons have only slightly increased. This can be attributed to the fact that 50mm is too long on such a small sensor. I predict that the day will come when larger sensors at an affordable price point will create a larger demand for 50mm Summicrons and their price will increase significantly while the 35mm Summicrons will come back to earth. </p>

<p>The prices have nothing to do with Leica, and everything to do with the emerging digital market capable of using M lenses. The future of photography is in small unobtrusive "every day" cameras - I honestly predict the decline of DLSRs even with today's unprecedented success of the format. All it takes is ONE affordable full frame rangefinder with an M mount (not so sure the RD1 fits the bill) - perhaps by Fuji, and M glass will be unaffordable for the shooters. </p>


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