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Negative Editing in photoshop

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Manojit, I think you need to reread my first response. I'm suggesting to just let the scanner give you the best it can give without throwing any data out (clipping on the ends) while making it look as good as possible then do the rest using the Photoshop steps I lined out above where I include creating a 1.0 gamma profile if the results are that flat and foggy with most of the data shoved to the middle.


Photoshop is a color managed editing environment. Don't know if your scanner is. But at least try to get your scanner to output in 16 bit so you can fix it in Photoshop by any means necessary and if it is necessary to create a 1.0 gamma profile to assign to the scan then so be it.


The assign/convert routine locks in a specific and defined preview to known RGB numbers that aren't defined by your scanner. Converting defines that defined preview as RGB numbers Photoshop's tools understand and can deal with so RGB 30 in the image for example looks like RGB 30 in the gamma encoded color space and maps to the point in PS's curve tool as RGB 30.


Doesn't your scanner have a curve tool?

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Make sure your camera lens doesn't have haze either. Make sure all of the optics used in the process are top notch, to eliminate that variable. And make sure you've got a decent scan. If you're using a lab to do the scans and/or film processing, use a good professional one.


I have to admit I don't understand too much of what Tim's talking about, but I still get excellent detail and

contrast from my scans, simply adjusted with curves in photoshop. With my Zeiss Hasselblad lenses

in particular, using an incident meter for exposure, the photo is often perfect right off the bat, straight out of the scanner with no adjustments at all.

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<p>thanks Tim......Ray I wud check that out........Duane I did not use any of the developers mentioned in the kodak website.....that is because in India these r no longer available......instead a local product Sterling Universal Developer is there.......which I do not know what genre of developers it belong to and heard from an Indian online community that it is similar to D 76 in terms of development time........but when I developed this particular film I was unaware of this fact and went on with a rough average.........afterall it was my first Tri-x......couldn't wait to check details :) </p>
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