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Nikon D5100 Mac OSX Lion problems


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I just bought a Nikon D5100 to replace my D80 as lightweight back-up body. I'm actually quite happy with it.


My problem is that I haven't been able to find software to deal with D5100 RAW files that is compatible with Mac OSX Lion. The View

NX that came with the camera won't work with Lion and hasn't been updated. My Photoshop camera raw wont upgrade with Lion.

Aperture works with Lion but isn't my converter of choice.


Any suggestions?

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<p>Try Adobe Photoshop CS 5.5 and the accompanying Bridge. I haven't personally tried it for Nikon, but it seems to do OK for Canon RAW from various sources.<br>

You wanted to upgrade to the latest version anyhow, didn't you?</p>

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<p>I use Nikon Capture NX 2 and so far everything is working well with Lion. My copy was installed prior to updating to Lion so I'm not sure if that changes anything. I know Adobe mentioned PS CS 5 and it's plug-ins would remain usable after the OS upgrade but may not be fully functional if you install them after upgrading. </p>

<p>Nikon offers a trial for this software so it's worth a look to see if it works well for you. </p>

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<p>Peter's strategy is normally my ideal procedure, but with a new machine it seemed best to bite (byte?) the bullet and go all the way. I'm still running Leopard, Tiger, and Jaguar on other machines however.</p>

<p>This is sometimes called "Gates' Law" or the "MS Law":</p>


<p>Never install version point zero of anything</p>


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<p>I'm using ViewNX 2 (free download from Nikon) and it works just fine with Lion. I installed it on my 13" MBP under Snow Leopard 2 weeks ago when I got my machine, and I upgraded OS to Lion a couple of days ago. Nikon Transfer and Capture NX2 also perform without fault.</p>
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<p>I clearly agree with JDM. I installed Lion the day it came out and it is the biggest mistake I have made in years. I wrk as a professional artist and have relied on Apple and Epson equipment for years until my upgrade. I am unable to print with my Epson 3880 and Mac quad core.his has cost me a fair amount of money to outsource the work and the quality has suffered. It would seem that the OS was released before the Epson drivers for it existed. The last info is that this issue "May be resolved" by the middle of August. It is hard to believe that this could happen with these two companies. Take the previous advice and do not install Lion until you are satisfied that it will work with your system. I have found no work around for this problem and will most likely have to uninstall Lion and replace it with Snow Leopard.</p>
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<p>Actually, I have installed Lion on my new machine, but kept older versions on my others. I just felt lucky and knew about the Rosetta problem, so had already got upgrades before I got the new machine.</p>

<p>I will say that, aside from the Rosetta problem, it has been the simplest and smoothest upgrade I've ever had. I'll keep my Mini working with the older PPC programs under Leopard, and the old G4 plugging along with Jaguar to keep my SCSI peripherals going. Often I have 4 machines running all at the same time, isn't that true of everybody?</p>

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<p>Hi David,<br>

Glad that it works now..<br>

I prefer to use Nikon software ( either capture NX2 or VIEW NX2) for raw development, since ACR seems not always to recognize all color channels the way the Nikon softqware does , and also often lacks the CA suppresion in some cases.. <br>

Then i bridge the resulting Tiff or Jpeg to Adobe software for last refinement and sharpinning, and whatever other processes i need for the pic in particular ( if still needed..). <br>

But that's just me personal prefference..</p>


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<p>Or have I missed something that's in the program</p>


<p>Sounds like it .... On the panel on the left side you can click a little black tiangle to open the "White Balance "menu ( when a RAW / NEF picture was opened that is) ). This will be swithced mostly to "Automatic" but if you open the scroll menu youll get different choices to influence your White balence..</p>

<p>BTW Did you open the "Help" menu, and look for " White Balance" ?</p>

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<p>Have found numerous programs that are either incompatible or simply will not work with Lion.<br>

Looking at the new software it would appear to me a long time Apple user that the primary company; Apple, is telling us to use only their software and yet as I see it more software and toys that many of us will never utilize.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>As an Apple user since Mac Classic Days, I too have been having problems with Lion. I anticipated this when they annouced the cancelation of Rosetta so for the time being I have kept Snow Leopard on a separate drive and use that For NX2, Nikon Transfer and Photoshop CS5 until things settle down.</p>
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