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Which camera are you looking forward to?

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<p>There are a series of camera's to be released by the end of 2011. Came to know of some of them at <a href="http://spam/">SPAM LINK REMOVED</a>. Looking at Canon EOS 5D Mark II's noise performance test, Canon EOS 5D Mark III seems to be the best one. Do you know of any other camera which can beat the noise performance of Canon EOS 5D Mark II. Please suggest me some nice camera for night photography.</p>
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<p>No one* knows now what cameras will actually show up by fall. The earthquake and tsunami will likely delay new introductions this year anyhow.</p>

<p>Any of the current top-end models are pretty decent for night photography, especially if you're not one of those "eek - a noisy pixel!" pixel peepers. They will only get better in this regard.</p>

<p>Patience is a virtue, but if you need a camera, waiting to buy the "latest thing" is always like chasing a rainbow.</p>


* I mean most of us here. The few who may know, are sworn not to tell in any case.</p>

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<p>the pattern seems to be: "any tips for taking really good pictures? i tried this site _link_ but i am not sure if it is very good. what do you think?"<br>

"what is the best camera for taking pictures? this site _link_ has some suggestions but it is very hard to choose. what do you think"?<br>

nothing wrong as such, but highly odd for sure. just saying...</p>

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<p>for a select few for whom photography is work/business, the latest tweaks do make sense. for the rest of us - ok, i speak for myself - i am certain we can absolutely do without the "next" one. yet, human psychology intervenes and we trash reasonably good equipment for the latest one. not as bad as it sounds - our purchases subsidize new innovation and research and once in a while there are clear improvements. if there was no mass buying of the latest and the most recent, "professional" cameras would probably cost substantially more. so all in all, not a bad deal for everyone.</p>
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<p>I'm actually happy with my current gear...there's nothing I really need at this point, especially when it comes to new releases (I could use a 50mm for my Hasselblad), and anything I might "want" is outclassed by its price and/or likely lack of regular use to justify such a cost.</p>
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<p>I'm also happy with what I've got. 'Course, maybe I could be like those who camp outside a store at 3:00 a.m. and be the first one on the block to purchase the latest, greatest,"most advanced" ?*%$#</p>
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<p>Fujifilm X100. I was just out shooting with it at dusk, with the lens wide open at f2 and ISO 1600. Looking forward to shooting with it again at dusk. Never had so much fun shooting with a compact digital camera before. Having the optical viewfinder is a breakthrough, and I love the 35mm lens field of view.</p>
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<p>My canon F1n has proven it's self to be a great night shooter time and again. Coupled with FD glass and quality ASA 400 print film, full moon shots with full color reciprocity here in New Mexico can be accomplished in about 4min. Scanned with my Coolscan V ED it can beat anything my D300 can do. Plus you can mix it up and use tungsten transparency film, either kodak or fuji, and get some really great results using just the moon for light. And its a great way to spend a summer night.</p>
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I look forward to a camera that I am going to use today which is a 5D. Although future cameras may have better features and more megapixels(diminishing margins of improvement IMO) the one I have makes pretty damn good pictures and I don't think I will see much improvement for my photographs by throwing money at a more advanced body at this time.
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