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Rolleiflex 2.8E keeps getting jammed despite repair.


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<p>I bought a fully revised 2.8E from a shop early this year. I got a 6 month warranty on it.<br>

Controls (aperture, speed) have always been a bit hard to my liking but it was working ok up until april. Then the crank got stuck while winding for the next photo in a middle of a film.<br>

I sent it for repair and it came back but this time the shutter wasn't operating on 80% of the shots.<br>

I sent it back again, it came back controls as though to operate as ever and after 5 shots both the crank and shutter get jammed ...<br>

I'll have a chat with the shop again but either they are not competent enough or this camera is worth nothing more than a brick.<br>

I can send it againit will be free and might be worth a shot, but I have trouble believing they'll do it right the 3rd time. Do you think that I should send it to a proper specialised shop and pay a proper repair?</p>


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<p>I agree with Marvin. It probably has some worn parts in the film transport & shutter-cocking mechanism. The shop is only tinkering enough to make it work momentarily, so I'd stop sending it to them. It's worth a 'real' overhaul by someone who specializes in Rolleis & has a stock of parts for them (Krikor or Harry Fleenor). A bright viewing screen might be worthwhile at the same time. It's too good a camera to become a brick or bookend.</p>
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<p>Thanks to all, that is a bit reassuring.<br>

I have indeed been told that they are hardy cameras, it is probably just a question of finding the competent repair shop.<br>

<a href="00YArC">I have started another thread about this camera as the front coating is a bit damaged.</a><br>

I'd like to do a polishing as well and got a quote in a <a href="http://nicorep.pagesperso-orange.fr/index_uk.htm">this French shop</a> for 140 euros. When I called them about the tech prob they told me I should send the camera before they tell me how much the repair costs.<br>

I might try to get a second opinion from one of these Paris shops on Robert's list.<br>

I am just worried about the price to get that camera working.</p>


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<p>On the 2.8E if the controls are hard to move it is generally a sign the font cover is installed incorrectly or is missing the spacers underneath. The shutter mechanism is extremely compact underneath and interference with the front cover or gummy lubricants will interfere with the shutter release lever returning to the normal position. This causes the camera to jam.<br>

The 'easy' repair - not the one you want - is to inject a small amount of solvent under the shutter release ring and operate the controls until it frees up. The 'fix' ALWAYS fails.<br>

Send the camera to one of the technicians mentioned here. Neither Krikor nor Fleenor will do the type of 'repair' I described. </p>

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Doesn't seem likely the seller is going to refund, as blaise appears to have had the camera at least since

February. I'd send it to a reputable Rollei service, and let them assess the entire cost, including whatever

is wrong with the lens. Then decide if it's worth repairing. This model doesn't go for a very high price does it? What

did you pay for it?

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<p>Ray, it was initially bought for 1000 euros, which is neither a good deal neither excessive from what I have seen around, especially given the amount of accessories I got with it (flash, 2 rolleinars, 3 colour filters, hand trigger, 5 film plates, panoremkof, tropicalised box, etc.).<br /> Stop investing, is considering losing the initial investment of 1000 euros. Unless ... The seller refunds me, which as Ray underlined is unlikely. I will have the repair man on the phone this morning and talk to him about Mark's diagnosis. Last time the repair man told me that if the controls are hard it was not a problem, I will insist this time about that being a sign of instability and will ask him to test the camera with the front cover in place (which I am sure he has never done).<br /> I am sure they will ask to send it to them once more ...</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>When you pick it up after hopefully succesful repair, turn the wheels on the fascia that control the shutterspeed and diaphragm to the end of their travel ( F22, s 1/500) the wheels should make a hard positive stop at the end of their travel. If the wheel stops soggily or springy at the end of the travel or are difficult to turn do not bother taking it home. One of the more difficult things in Rolleiflex repair is getting the fascia back on properly with all the controls properly aligned and the spacers in the right places so they don't pinch the controls.</p>
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