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Got my 5D, Mark II....worried about decision


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<p>Okay, a while back I posted a question about getting the 5D, Mark II or the 7D and started WWIII in doing so. It looks like the war is still on, based on a post a few days ago. This post is an update now that I have the 5D, II and the fact that I'm now second guessing myself.</p>

<p>So that I'm not causing an acceleration in war, I want to preface this post with the fact that I tested out both cameras before purchasing and loved the 7D's focusing and metering systems, but preferred the 5D's low noise (not just at high ISOs) and overall "look", whatever that means...can't fully explain it. So I'm not for or against either as they're both great cameras.</p>

<p>The 5D, Mark II came in today with the 24-105, and although I haven't done any real testing, I did notice that the shutter, or mirror slap or whatever, is incredibly loud. I didn't notice this when I rented the camera for a recent photo trip, so not sure if this is a problem or not. I know I can use silent modes in live view, but I don't like live view, so that's not an advantage for me. I can, and will, call my local camera rental place to see if they'll allow me to compare one of their 5Ds with mine.....I'm sure they will as they want to purchase my 17-55.</p>

<p>Anyhow, now I'm second guessing myself with my choice. I know ultimately the quality of the photo is what matters, and I know the noise in the 7D won't appear in print (although even seeing it on screen bothered me as I kept trying to "fix" it and then used to much noise reduction, rendering images soft....my fault, not the camera's).</p>

<p>Aside from the shutter clunk, the only other issue with the 5D is the 3.9fps. I don't mind losing reach on the long end, as I can always borrow my friend's 100-400 whenever I want (or rent if we're on a workshop together).</p>

<p>So choice A. is keeping the 5D, II and 24-105 (as long as the shutter noise turns out to be normal) and pairing it with my 40D and 70-200 when I'm shooting wildlife and my kids' sports. Then selling both the 5D and the 40D when the new 5D comes out (G-d knows when) providing the fps increases by one or two fps.</p>

<p>Choice B. Returning the 5D and 24-105, keeping my 17-55, selling my 40D, buying a 7D and 10-22. Once again, when the 5D, Mark III comes out, I could then sell the 7D, 10-22 and 17-55 and purchase perhaps a 17-40 and 24-105...or similar combo.</p>

<p>If in fact there is a problem with the 5D, II shutter clunk, then I will need to return it to B&H and of course they're out of stock, so I wouldn't be able to get a replacement. If this happens, do I buy the 7D or just keep renting the 5D, II for my travels and buy the 5D, III when it arrives?</p>

<p>I love to/live to travel and that's primarily when I shoot....landscapes and some wildlife. Rarely birds, no pro sports or anything like that. I also like to shoot my son's volleyball (horrible lighting in the gym) where the 5D would be better with noise as I need to shoot at high ISOs but it only gets 3.9fps, so fewer keepers. Aside from a Yellowstone/Tetons trip I'm taking next week where I was planning on using the 40D for wildlife (with borrowed 100-400) and the 5D for walk around and landscapes, I will usually carry only one body.</p>

<p>Opinions? </p>

<p>Sorry in advance for causing problems ;)</p>


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>>> I did notice that the shutter, or mirror slap or whatever, is incredibly loud.


Not a problem. That's the way it is. Do you get decent pix out of it? That's the real test...



>>> Anyhow, now I'm second guessing myself with my choice.


>>> Opinions?


Stop worrying! It's a great camera, you made a great decision. As I did almost two years ago when I

bought mine. Image quality is superb. Love using mine every time I go out and shoot with it...

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<p>If you are worried by the shutter noise then get it checked for peace of mind. I have the 5DII 24-105L combination and its great for its IQ - its the camera I take when on vacation. I also have the 7D (and 40D) and use them for action/sports (including active children playing). You can use the 5DII for action, its just that the 7D is better. I use the 5DII for weddings as my primary camera with the 7D as a second body. Low light candids is a test for any camera. Both 5DII and 7D will do the job - it just depends on your priorities as to which one you get. Different tools for different purposes. Everything in photography has its compromises. Actually the camera I use for casual photography on an almost daily basis is an Olympus E-PL2 Micro Four Thirds kit - because it is small, light and unobtrusive but at the expense of a little more noise and handling speed.</p>

<p>My opinion? Based on your stated usage? Get the 5DII checked and if there is no problem with the shutter then keep it and enjoy it. Make sure you have good lenses.</p>

<p>Cheers, Bob</p>

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<p>Okay, you're all talking some sense into me. Maybe my worries are just buyer's remorse or whatever. After all, there was a reason I chose the 5D, II over the 7D in the first place! I will get the clunk checked out and do a few minor tests tomorrow...no overkill, I promise. If it's acceptably sharp, that's all I need.</p>

<p>I'll keep my 40D for shooting my kids' sports and wildlife. It's actually been a great camera, just a little noisy at high ISOs.</p>

<p>Bob....I have a 70-200 f/4 IS which I love and now the 24-105L, which I hope to love. I plan on buying a wide angle at some point, perhaps the 17-40. I have a friend who very generously lets me borrow his 100-400L IS, whenever I want. </p>

<p>Thanks again for keeping me sane.</p>


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My 7D shutter/mirror zap Is a lot softer than my 5D2. But, duh, the 5D is FF and there should be more noise due to

the much larger mirror and shutter curtains.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>I think you have been suitably convinced that you should stop fretting and start shooting! I just want to pick up on one point:</p>


<p>but it only gets 3.9fps, so fewer keepers.</p>


<p>Getting decent sports shots is only partly about the fps capability of your camera but in far greater part is about anticipation (+ understanding whatever sport it is you're shooting), timing and raw reflex. What did people do before 10fps cameras came on the scene?</p>

<p>About a noisy shutter, compared to the good ol' days of film where after the shutter the motor would kick in to advance the film, it is as quiet as a church mouse :)</p>

<p> </p>

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<p><strong>"What did people do before 10fps cameras came on the scene?"</strong></p>


<p>They made photos with a thorough knowledge of the play; excellent anticipation and near perfect shutter release skills . . . and they always knew the count on their "frames remaining", also.</p>

<p>What I mean is - I agree with Mark. <br>

The 5DMkII can produce great Sports Photos.<br>

Use "One Shot" - it’s loads of fun.</p>

<p>It is just like driving a "Proper Car", you know those cars with three pedals and that stick thingy . . . Heel and Toe the Accelerator and Brake, to make the Double Shuffle Clutch on the Down Shift: fast into the corner, brake late, flick the tail out. </p>

<p>Go watch the “Deer Hunter” . . . One shot.<br>

Amazing how much there is to learn and how much fun it is leaning it all, when there is “One Shot” thinking, in place.</p>

<p>WW </p>


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<p>(My 7D shutter/mirror zap Is a lot softer than my 5D2. But, duh, the 5D is FF and there should be more noise due to the much larger mirror and shutter curtains). <strong></strong><em><strong>That is the answer you are looking for from Puppy Face.... My 50d feels a bit like a toy next to my 5dll but still takes great photos.</strong></em></p>


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<p>I own the 5D MkII and the 7D. The 5D2 is the ultimate travel camera, IMO. Stop worrying and take some beautiful pictures for us.</p>

<p>If you were really serious about birds and wildlife, then a 7D might make sense, but for your occasional shooting of such things, the 40D is excellent.</p>

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<p>Ok, so I was so relieved to read all your posts...but.....then I took some test shots this morning. Color is good, and shutter/mirror clunk isn't as annoying as I thought. However, my 40D with 17-55 is so much sharper than the 5D with 24-105. If I can figure out how to add a couple samples, I will. Both these shots were taken on a tripod with the IS off at 5.6, 100 ISO. They are 100% crops.</p><div>00YtSb-369529584.thumb.jpg.7e07135a5cfc57df8c3262060b1bab37.jpg</div>
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