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layton l-45a-Did it ever reach production?


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<p>Just wondered if the Layton 4x5 aluminium camera ever actually reached any of the customers who put down deposits? It looked too heavy and too expensive for me but I was curious to see how a new entry from an american manufacture got on. Don't try the laytoncamera.com website by the way, it looks like it's run by the russian mafia and tried to download a virus onto my computer!</p>
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<p>No, none have been produced beyond the prototypes, yet anyway, or so John has kept saying to us with deposits. He's stopped responding to e-mails and other communications about the camera about two years ago, so we don't know what's up or when or if the camera will be produced, down to 6-10 at last count. John is a member of Photo.net and posts occasionally, so we're anxious to hear from him.</p>

<p>There's no question it's an excellent camera and worthy to finish so people can use it. I understand family and other issues intervened besides several local production companies, but still as last I heard from him it was over 95% of the way there for parts and then nothing further. It would be helpful if some of his friends let us know what's up or get John to speak up. He owes us and others an explanation if not more so a camera.</p>

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