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My little search for perfect 6x6 lens :-)


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<p>Hello everyone,<br /> for all interested in bokeh and ultra fast lenses on 6x6 format, I invite you to my blog where I'm publishing my search for perfect ultra-fast lens - please visit <a href="http://iliveforbokeh.wordpress.com/">http://iliveforbokeh.wordpress.com/</a><br /> <br />Tom Widlak <br /><a href="http://www.tomwidlak.com">www.tomwidlak.com</a></p>
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<p>@<a name="00Ylt7"></a><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=144798">Robert Marvin</a> - I'm looking for one, the other four I will sell off :-)<br>

@<a name="00YltI"></a><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3817636">D Purdy</a> - I like ultra-fast lenses, there is many great f2.8 but I want something faster than that.<br /><br />@<a name="00Ylu4"></a><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=439922">Chauncey Walden</a> - I have no idea, I like the bokeh from Xenotar, but I'm scanning Noritar 80/2 now and it's much better :-)</p>

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<p>@<a name="00Ylv6"></a><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=1713391">Michael Axel</a> - I had that, and other than very shallow DOF I didn't see anything special about it, plus it's a little to long for me. When I'll finish my search, we gonna test my lens against 100/2 just to see the difference.</p>
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<p>I have the 85/1.5 but it is not Russian. It is oscillo type by Simpson - Tektronix.</p>

<p>Why have you not adapted projection lenses? You should try the projection lenses from the old projection tv. They are about 100mm at F1.0 but very short back focus. They cover about a 4 or 5 inch diagonal. Or you might like the better ones by Fuji or Topcon. I have a 170/1.8 Fuji. Very heavy.</p>

<p>You have not tried the Aero-Ektar lenses everybody talks about?</p>

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<p>@<a name="00Ylvv"></a><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4871212">Tom Cheshire</a> - Hm, that is the first time I hear about projection lenses, I'll have to look into it, thanks :-) I have Aero-Ektar, it's a great lens but I use it for 4x5. On medium format, the longest I would like to use is 100mm tops, 110/2 on Hasselblad was too tight for me. The oscillo type lens I have is 75mm f1.9, adopted to Hartblei camera. The russian lens is very weird, no writing on the lens except 85/1.5 - but it requires a lot of work to adapt it to 6x6. Thanks for the suggestion :-)</p>
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<p>I`m with Chauncey, I find this kind of bokeh somawhat disturbing, very close to what we can found in many current lenses. It reminds me some 50mm Nikkors, not known for their nice bokeh... (maybe a middle point between the f1.8 and f1.4 versions) or to the 75/3.5 from Mamiya, too...</p>
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<p>@<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=499258">Jose Angel</a> - well, we can't argue about taste :-) I don't like creamy bokeh, I like when there is something going on in it, but I know most photographers see this as a fault of the lens - I call it "character" :-) As far as Xenotar bokeh, I like it, I don't think it's great but I would be happy with that lens if I had to :-)</p>
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<p>The link isn't working for me either.</p>

<p>FWIW, I buy up all the strange projection lenses I can find so long as they're under $10 or $15. I have one of the projection TV lenses, haven't gotten around to trying it out on a camera yet. Same for the condenser lenses I just got off an old Hansa enlarger. I usually try them out first on a 4x5 speed graphic using the focal plane shutter, but I also machine adapters to mount them on dSLRs. Some are only good for macro, as the back focus on many projection lenses mean they won't clear the mirror on an SLR focused at infinity, or they have to be completely recessed behind the lens board to focus even with the bellows completely scrunched up. I don't see why you couldn't do the same with, say, a Pentax 67 and some extension tubes, duct tape, and make images with just about anything (can't see your images so I don't know what you're already doing).</p>

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<p>Sorry for the link not working, I was trying to move the things around on my blog, and by mistake I've erased it - here is first and only post there - <a href="http://iliveforbokeh.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/a-dream-come-true/">http://iliveforbokeh.wordpress.com/2011/05/29/a-dream-come-true/</a></p>

<p>Thank you all for advice and opinions, as I've written there, I've found my perfect 6x6 camera, and I wish you all the same :D</p>

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