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<p>Just the electronic flash wich comes with the MX set is worth the money, MX flash works<br>

with Minox EC, ( vice versa, the Minox EC flash also works on Minox MX)<br>

PS, this special offer from Amazon ships only to US addresses, I had to pay $37 extra<br>

to ship it to myUS.COM and then by DHL to me. </p>

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<p>What I don't like the "on" button on the MX flash, some time pressing a long time still no respose. A toggle switch would be much better.<br>

The Minox DSC has the same horrible on/off swith, you need to press long time before the<br>

lights lits up, toooo slowwwwwwwwwwww !</p>

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<p>The MX flash is not a substitute for the 8x11 or ECX flash units. It is not designed to work with EC, ECX or other 8x11 Minox cameras. Why Minox or Acmel didn't use exactly the same specification for the connection we will never know. The MX is a rebadged and feature reduced version of the Acmel MX<br>

Tests were done on this some years ago, just to see if it fired or not. AIIIs, B, BL, Cs and LX were tested in the end it came down to some work, some work but only on slow speeds and some do not work. It may be okay with your camera but not a different one.<br>

Even if the flash fires it does not mean that it did by the time the shutter closed.<br>

If you want to rely upon the flash get an 8x11 electronic flash and likely get camera and flash serviced.<br>



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  • 2 years later...
<p>I purchased a Minox MX which I use as my every day carry, as the camera and ND filter are extremely compact and light. Despite its limited features compared to my B, I'm actually very impressed with the lens quality of the MX, which is pretty sharp for such an inexpensive Minox. The camera is not battery-dependent and as long as the right film is selected for the situation, it's a surprisingly capable little tool.</p>
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