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35mm Bonanza - what's going on???

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<p>In January, I was looking for a 35mm lens to go with my M6 and 50mm Summicron. At the time, the 35mm Summicron - usually the canadian version - was easy to find priced between $1300 and $1500. A quick glance at the big auction sites today and my jaw dropped. Seems you can't get one for under $1500 anymore, with many of them going for much more. </p>

<p>What happened in the last 3 months? Should I wait for prices to come down or buy at this higher price, which means I'll have to save for another few months - and the prices might go up again. </p>

<p>Even KEH has increased prices. </p>


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<p>I have noticed this as well, it appears the M9 is very popular. I would imagine it also has something to do with the US dollar being low at the moment. <br>

I'm starting to regret having sold some lenses recently, they're going to be harder to buy back when the time comes. </p>

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<p>It's by no means limited to old and new Leica glass.<br>

Part of it is the drop in the value of the dollar, but by no means all of it. I'm glad I have most of the Zeiss Jena glass from the DDR that I wanted, because they have gone up too.</p>

<p>Some small part of it may be people using them for MF video with adapters, some may be the ease of adapting lots of lenses to 4/3 systems, and some just people with dSLRs who are rediscovering the charms of old lenses...</p>

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<p>yeah, I noticed the new ZM line has gone up in price as well, and notably the 35mm F2 and F2.8 - seems that 35mm focal length has increased proportionally more than other focal lengths. I think part of the problem right now - with the advent of m4/3 - is that there just aren't enough M lens to go around, and people are getting desperate.</p>

<p>If they're so popular, why not make more and take advantage of the situation? If Zeiss priced their line at their innitial lower prices and were making money, wouldn't selling MORE ZM at that price point make them more profit?</p>


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<p>I also predict that when there are more full frame options in digital rangefinders, the 50mm lens will increase in price, significantly. As it stands, 50mm is too long for most shooters using m4/3, and even a bit long on the M8/8.2. When the M10 comes out, and the M9 gets dumped to the used market for the "much better newer M", we'll see the 50 DR crons going for $1400, and the ZM planar for roughly the same. </p>

<p> </p>

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<p>So...how do we stop the collectors?</p>


<p>I can think of a few ways, but I can't post it here in the forum... ;-)<br>

Collectors have driven prices up as long as I can remember. Lenses were the hottest item at the recent swap meet I went to. They flew off the tables as quickly as the sellers could place them. I'm talking about Leica lenses, M and R mount, and some screw mount too. But M and R mount were hot, and sold in the blink of an eye. It was incredible. <br>

The same thing happened with older Nikon manual focus lenses. Prices shot up in the used market when the D3 and D700 were introduced and people quickly figured out that it was a lot cheaper to buy older manual focus Nikon lenses than to buy the newer f2.8 zooms. </p>

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<p>From what I understand, China has become a big buyer of Leica cameras. I have a friend in China and he mentioned that the art market has also gone crazy there. I think there is a lot of new money looking for a place to be spent.....and fine German cameras are not a bad place to spend it. All those M9s and M43 cameras being sold can't hurt either. I'm glad to have what I need. </p>
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<p>I'm still guessing that the surges in prices are not driven by collectors -- I mean how many collectors are avidly searching out old Commie lenses from the DDR? I think it's <em><strong>users</strong></em> who are driving the increases. Soviet-made lenses are also going up.</p>
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<p>As said, I'm afraid it is the Yankee Dollar. Nobody wants it right now, and the market in Leicas isn't American property. Ebay being a significant part of the market, international trade levels values. Don't worry, the dollar will rise again (oh, sorry, that was 'The South will rise again ...'); of course it will.<br>

There was a time pre M9, however when some lens values dipped because the market anticipated a Leica collapse; well that's what I think, and now prices for newer lenses won't be coming down. In other words, buy what you need; cheers</p>


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<p>The bodies have remained steady in price, which suggests that it is indeed users picking up a lot of the lenses.</p>

<p>I was hoping to get a 35 Cron but can't afford one now. I really should have bought in January when prices were lower. Surprising how fast they can jump, and by how much!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Another observation; Kindermann in Toronto has been VERY busy since January repairing old film cameras. I think there are many things at play that have yet to be addressed in the "market";</p>

<p>1. m4/3 cameras taking old vintage lenses<br>

2. somewhat of a film "revival", people buying cameras they could never afford 10 years ago. Again, with vintage glass. But this has been happening for 5 years so I'm not sure if it's having an impact on prices right now. <br>

3. Asia buying everything in sight, especially German designs<br>

4. Lack of production from Leica and Zeiss creating a sense of panick. <br>

5. The economy recovering while all this is happening<br>

6. Renewed interest in street photography </p>

<p>Who knows, maybe next year the VC 35mm F1.4 will be priced at $1400 on KEH as well. </p>


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<p>Recently I considered a faster Zeiss 35mm to complete my lineup.... but now I saw they are out of stock, too....! You maybe able to snatch up a 35mm Summaron somewhere. They are pretty good IMHO 1/5 of the price (when and if the craze is ever over, you can "trade up"). In excellent shape, a f3.5 will probably run you $300-400.</p>
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<p>At first, when re-building my Leica kit, I was furious at the prices of what I wanted, namely the 35/2 asph. But the more I thought about how I use it in my living, the more I just sucked it up and found a decent deal on a 35/2, $1,900 mint used. I sold off some of the faster stuff that I really only needed for Kodachrome, 28/2, 35/1.4, 50/1.4 asph lenses and thought long and hard about what I really needed for the rest of my life for Tri-X. So now I have my black M6TTL, chrome M3, 28 3.5 CV, 35/2 asph and a chrome Zeiss ZM 50/2 for my M3. I am set, I am happy, I am not getting any digital M and this is the last dollar I spend on now very overpriced Leica.</p>

<p>The CV 28 and the ZM 50 are just outstanding in optical performance and mechanical build, if the ZM 35 were not so darn big, I would have just said to hell with Leica all together and skipped the 35 asph. </p>

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<p>Daniel Bayer, </p>

<p>I hear you. Once I get the 35 I'll be "done" as far as Leica and 135 is concerned. M6, 50 Summicron and 35mm (yet to be acquired). I also find the ZM 35 a bit too big. For me, the M system is about small high performing lenses. I think I'll hold of for a 35mm Summicron. The prices have risen so much that I can't afford one now, but I think getting a "place holder" will only result in frustration. For now, I'll shoot the 50 Cron for a year and really get to know the lens. Next year, if the 35 Cron hasn't trippled in price, I'll add it to my kit. </p>


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